
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Ordinance 92-46 (Passed) download

Ordinance 92-46 To Reaffirm Ordinance 91-8 Pledging the City's Distributive Share of the Monroe County Option Income Tax to Pay Lease Rentals (Showers Project) 

Ordinance 92-45 (Passed) download

Ordinance 92-45 To Amend Ordinance No. 80-70 to Authorize Use of the Special Non-Reverting Fund (Westside II) in Order to Advance Monies for Capital Projects, Augment an Affordable Housing Revolving Fund, and Provide Money for Social Services

Ordinance 92-44 (Passed) download

Ordinance 92-44 Ordinance Authorizing the City of Bloomington to Issue Its "Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1992 (Stone Belt Center Project)" and Approving Other Related Actions 

Ordinance 92-42 (Passed) download

Ordinance 92-42 To Vacate a Public Parcel Re: Platted Alley Between 703 S. Anita and 614 Clifton Ave. (M.R. Buhls, Roland Hobart and Harold Jones, Petitioners) 

Ordinance 92-41 (Passed) download

Ordinance 92-41 To Amend Chapter 2.22 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Entitled "Personnel Department" to Authorize Current Paid Benefit Time Granted to City Employees 

Ordinance 92-39 (Passed) download

Ordinance 92-39 To Refinance the Fourth and Walnut Street Garage Bond and to Finance the Acquisition and Construction of Additional Parking Facilities for the Showers Project

Ordinance 92-38 (Passed) download

Ordinance 92-38 To Amend the Text of Title 20 of the Bloomington Municipal Code in Order to add Compliance with the Master Plan as a Criterion for Approval of Conditional Uses and Special Exceptions 

Ordinance 92-36 (Passed) download

Ordinance 92-36 To Amend the Bloomington Zoning Maps from RS to RL, Grand PUD Designation, and Approve Outline Plan- Re: 609 and 611 E. Miller Drive Lots 63 & 64 of Barclay Gardens (Kevin Spicer, Petitioner) 

Resolution 92-33 (Passed) download

Resolution 92-33 To Adopt a Written Fiscal Plan and to Establish a Policy for the Provision of City Services to an Annexed Area (Hampton Inn/Phillips 66) 

Resolution 92-32 (Passed) download

Resolution 92-32 To Adopt a Written Fiscal Plan and to Establish a Policy for the Provision of City Services to an Annexed Area (University Inn)