
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Resolution 75-44 (Passed) download

Resolution 75-44 A Resolution Urging the Utilities Service Board to Enact Rules and Regulation for Customer Relations that Reflect Provisions of the Utility Consumer Bill of Rights

Ordinance 75-43 (Passed) download

Ordinance 75-43 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 14 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Section 14.09.070, Entitled "Special Permits" 

Resolution 75-43 (Tabled) download

Resolution 75-43 A Resolution to Review the Complete History of the Negotiations between the Board of Public Works and Public Service Indiana on Street Lighting for the Last Five Years and Forward to the Citizen's Energy Coalition, Public Service Indiana and the Indiana Public Service Commission

Ordinance 75-42 (Tabled) download

Ordinance 75-42 An Ordinance Amending the Bloomington Municipal Code, Title 2, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21: Creating the Department of Community Development 

Resolution 75-41 (Passed) download

Resolution 75-41 A Resolution Encouraging Representatives of the Mayor's Office and Common Council to Convene to Determine the Related Services of the Citizen Participation Program

Resolution 75-40 (Passed) download

Resolution 75-40 A Resolution Urging the Monroe County Election Board to Use its Statutory Powers to Determine Whether or Not Irregularities did Occur in the City Elections Held on November 4, 1975 

Resolution 75-39 (Passed) download

Resolution 75-39 A Resolution Congratulating Gregory Gallo for the Honor He has Received and Expressing Confidence that He will Prove a Credit to Both the Catholic Youth Organization and to the City of Bloomington

Ordinance 75-39 (Tabled) download

Ordinance 75-39 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 4.24 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, "Taxicabs", Sections 4.24.040, 4.24.050, 4.24.080, and 4.24.130 

Ordinance 75-38 (Passed) download

Ordinance 75-38 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 15 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Section 15.76.010(3), Entitled, "Three-Way Stop Intersections, Section 15.64.370 (5), Entitled, "Two Hour Parking Zones"

Ordinance 75-35 (Tabled) download

Ordinance 75-35 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 15.64 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Section 15.64.370, Entitled, "Restricted Parking Zones" 

Resolution 75-34 (Passed) download

Resolution 75-34 A Resolution Empowering the Mayor of the City of Bloomington to Lease the City Court Room and Attendant Officers for the Annual Rental Charge of Thirteen Hundred Fifty Dollars