
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Resolution 03-16 (Passed) download

Resolution 03-16 To Authorize the City to Enter into a "Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract" with Energy Systems Group (Improvements to Dillman Road Wastewater Treatment Plant)

Ordinance 03-15 (Passed) download

Ordinance 03-15 To Amend the Preliminary Planned Unit Development for PUD-03-00 Re: 3209 E. Moores Pike (Smith Neubecker & Associates, Inc., Petitioners) 

Resolution 03-15 (Passed) download

Resolution 03-15 To Confirm Resolution 03-14 Which Designated an Economic Revitalization Area (ERA) Re: 1300 S. Patterson Drive (PTS Corporation, Petitioner)

Ordinance 03-14 (Passed) download

Ordinance 03-14 To Amend Ordinance 02-19 Which Fixed the Salaries of Appointed Officers and Employees of the Utilities Department of the City of Bloomington for the Year 2003 Re: Two Position in Purchasing 

Ordinance 03-13 (Passed) download

Ordinance 03-13 To Amend Ordinance 02-18 Which Fixed the Salaries of Appointed Officers and Employees of the City of Bloomington for the Year 2003 Re: Civilian Positions in the Engineering, Information Services, Parks and Recreation and Police Departments

Resolution 03-13 (Passed) download

Resolution 03-13 To Approve Application and Authorize Loan from the Business Investment Incentive Loan Fund (To PTS Corporation or a Related Business Entity for Improvements at the Indiana Enterprise Center) 

Resolution 03-12 (Passed) download

Resolution 03-12 To Authorize Expenditures from the Industrial Development Fund for Attainment of Employment Goals by PTS Corporation at the Indiana Enterprise Center 

Appropriation Ordinance 03-12 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 03-12 To Specially Appropriate from the Parking Enforcement Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Funds for Parking Ticket Appeals Software)

Ordinance 03-12 (Passed) download

Ordinance 03-12 To Amend Title 15 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Entitled "Vehicles and Traffic" Re: Stop and Yield Intersections, Restricted Right Turns on Red Lights, Speed Zones, and Various Parking Regulations

Resolution 03-11 (Passed) download

Resolution 03-11 To Authorize Expenditures from the Industrial Development Fund for Physical Improvements to Support a Development Project ("PTS Corporation") at the Indiana Enterprise Center 

Appropriation Ordinance 03-11 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 03-11 To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund, Park District Bond Fund, Parking Enforcement Fund, and Cumulative Capital Development Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Various Year-End Appropriations for the Common Council Office, the Controller's Officer and the Police, Parking Enforcement and Public Works Department)

Resolution 03-10 (Passed) download

Resolution 03-10 Resolution Regarding Threats to Fundamental Rights and Liberties Emanating from the USA Patriot Act, Proposals to Extend Portions of the Act and Adopt the Domestic Security Enhancement Act (Patriot II) and Certain Executive Orders and Other Federal Actions

Ordinance 03-10 (Passed) download

Ordinance 03-10 An Ordinance Concerning the Refunding by the City of Bloomington of its Waterworks Refunding Revenue Bonds of 1993 and its Waterworks Revenue Bonds of 1995; Authorizing the Issuance of Waterworks Refunding Revenue Bonds for Such Purpose; Providing for the Collection, Segregation and Distribution of the Revenues of the Waterworks and Safeguarding of the Interests of the Owners of the Waterworks Refunding Revenue Bonds Authorized Herein; Other Matters Connected Therewith; and Repealing Ordinances Inconsistent Herewith

Appropriation Ordinance 03-10 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 03-10 To Specially Appropriate from the Telecommunications Non-Reverting Fund (Infrastructure) Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Funds for Maintenance and Repair of the City's Fiber Optic Assets) 

Appropriation Ordinance 03-09 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 03-09 To Specially Appropriate from the Risk Management Fund and from the Cumulative Capital Improvements (Rate) Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Monies for Worker's Compensation Expenses and for Insurance Premiums from the Risk Management Fund and Monies Received for Intersection Improvement at East Third Street and Clarizz Boulevard from the CCI (Rate) Fund)

Resolution 03-09 (Passed) download

Resolution 03-09 Authorizing the Allocation of the Jack Hopkins Social Services Program Funds for the Year 2003 and Other Related Matters