
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Resolution 86-24 (Tabled) download

Resolution 86-24 A Resolution Providing Preliminary Authorization for Sale of Property Known as Old City Hall and the Downtown Fire Station

Ordinance 86-23 (Passed) download

Ordinance 86-23 To Correct the Legal Description of Property Described in Ordinance 86-16 Which Amended the Zoning Maps from MQ to ML/PCD (Re: 2200 Vernal Pike, Larry Neidigh, Petitioner)

Resolution 86-23 (Passed) download

Resolution 86-23 To Designate the Property Located on South Highland Avenue, Lots 88 and 87, and Part of Lot 86, Huntington Park Addition as an "Economic Revitalization Area"

Ordinance 86-22 (Passed) download

Ordinance 86-22 An Ordinance Creating a Cumulative Building and Sinking Fund for the Benefit of the Bloomington and Monroe County Board of Park Commissioners

Ordinance 86-21 (Passed) download

Ordinance 86-21 To Vacate a Public Parcel Re: North Alley between Walnut and College and 4th and 5th Streets (To Correct the Legal Description in Ordinance 85-47)

Resolution 86-21 (Passed) download

Resolution 86-21 To Confirm Resolution 86-19 Which Designated the Property Located at 112 North Walnut Street as an "Economic Revitalization Area"

Ordinance 86-20 (Passed) download

Ordinance 86-20 To Amend Chapter 2.20 Entitled "Board of Parks and Recreation" of the Bloomington Municipal Code to Adopt the Provisions of I.C. Sec 36-10-4 Entitled "Parks Department in Certain Cities"

Resolution 86-20 (Passed) download

Resolution 86-20 To Confirm Resolution 86-18 Which Designated the Property Located at 107 North College Avenue as an "Economic Revitalization Area" 

Ordinance 86-17 (Passed) download

Ordinance 86-17 To Amend Title 18 of the Bloomington Municipal Code to Add a New Chapter Requiring Smoke Detectors in Rental Housing Units

Resolution 86-16 (Passed) download

Resolution 86-16 To Confirm Resolution 86-15 Which Designated the Property Located at 720 South Morton Street (Metropolitan Printing Service, Inc.) as an "Economic Revitalization Area)