
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Ordinance 03-08 (Passed) download

Ordinance 03-08 To Amend Title 16 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Entitled "Housing Inspection" (Repealing and Reenacting Chapter 16.04 (Property Maintenance Code) and Amending Portions of Chapter 16.12 (Housing Quality)) 

Appropriation Ordinance 03-08 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 03-08 An Ordinance Adopting a Budget for the Operation, Maintenance, Debt Service, and Capital Improvements for the Water and Wastewater Utility Departments of the City of Bloomington, Indiana, for the Year 2004 

Resolution 03-07 (Passed) download

Resolution 03-07 To Amend the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between the City of Bloomington and Monroe County, Indiana in Regard to Planning and Zoning Jurisdiction (Transferring Approximately 8 Acres to the County) 

Ordinance 03-07 (Passed) download

Ordinance 03-07 To Amend the Bloomington Zoning Maps from IL/IS to PUD and to Amend the Preliminary Plan for the Landmark Business Center Planned Unit Development (PUD) - Re: 350 S. Adams Street (Rogers Group, Petitioner) 

Ordinance 03-06 (Passed) download

Ordinance 03-06 To Amend Title 6 Entitled "Health and Sanitation" in Order to Repeal and Reenact Chapter 6.12 Entitled "Smoking in Public Places and Places of Employment" 

Appropriation Ordinance 03-06 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 03-06 To Specially Appropriate from the Telecommunications Non-Reverting Fund (Infrastructure) Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Fund for High-Speed Data Connectivity to Seven City Sites)

Resolution 03-05 (Passed) download

Resolution 03-05 To Adopt a Written Fiscal Plan and to Establish a Policy for the Provision of City Services to an Annexed Area (Northwest Area) 

Ordinance 03-05 (Passed) download

Ordinance 03-05 To Amend Title 15 of the Bloomington Municipal Code Entitled "Vehicles and Traffic" (Allowing 2-Way Traffic on the North Side of the Courthouse Square and Altering the Parking on 6th Street Between Morton and Walnut Street) 

Appropriation Ordinance 03-05 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 03-05 To Specially Appropriate from the Wireless Enhanced 911 Non-Reverting Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Funds for Payroll Expenses and to Reimburse the General Fund for Hardware and Software Expenses) 

Ordinance 03-04 (Passed) download

Ordinance 03-04 To Amend the Bloomington Zoning Maps from RE1 to PUD and to Amend the Preliminary Plan for the Canada Farm Planned Unit Development (PUD) RE: 3902 & 3942 South Sare Road (Wininger Stolberg Group, Petitioners) 

Appropriation Ordinance 03-04 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 03-04 To Specially Appropriate Transfers Within the General Fund, Fleet Maintenance Fund and Parking Enforcement Fund (Transferring Expenditures for Clothing and Tools from Category 1 - Personal Services to Category 2 - Supplies) 

Appropriation Ordinance 03-03 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 03-03 To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Grant Funds to Police Agencies for Additional Enforcement of DUI Laws)

Resolution 03-02 (Passed) download

Resolution 03-02 To Confirm Resolution 03-01 Which Designated an Economic Revitalization Area (ERA) - Re: 315 West Kirkwood and 314 West Fourth Street (CFC, Inc., Petitioner) 

Appropriation Ordinance 03-02 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 03-02 To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating Funds Through the Mayor's Office for the Establishment of the Corporation for Capital Improvements and Attractions)

Ordinance 03-02 (Passed) download

Ordinance 03-02 To Amend the Bloomington Zoning Maps from RS 3.4/PRO 6 to PUD and to Amend the Preliminary Plan for the Rolling Ridge Planned Unit Development (PUD) - RE: 1107 and 1113 S. Weimer Rd (Michael and Patricia Panly, Petitioners)