
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Resolution 71-13 (Passed) download

Resolution 71-13 Resolution of the City of Bloomington, Indiana Approving Undertaking of Surveys and Plans for a Redevelopment Project and Filing of an Application

Ordinance 71-11 (Failed) download

Ordinance 71-11 An Ordinance to Amend Section 2.04.630 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bloomington, Entitled "Councilmanic Districts"

Resolution 71-11 (Passed) download

Resolution 71-11 Repayment of Temporary Loans To Water Operating ($215,000) and Sewage Works Construction Improvement Fund ($119,511.42) from Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund ($229,511.42) and Parking Meter Fund ($105,000)

Ordinance 71-10 (Passed) download

Ordinance 71-10 An Ordinance Amending Section 17.04.150 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bloomington, Entitled "Minimum Property Standards for One and Two Living Units, Entitled 'FHA No. 300' Adopted"

Resolution 71-10 (Passed) download

Resolution 71-10 Temporary Loan From Water Bond & Interest Account ($51,200) to Sewage Works Construction Improvement Account, and Water Bond & Interest Account ($96,000) to General Fund

Appropriation Ordinance 71-10 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 71-10 An Ordinance Specially Appropriating from the General Fund Not Otherwise Appropriated of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, to Meet the Extraordinary Emergencies Found to Exist in the Various Departments 

Ordinance 71-09 (Passed) download

Ordinance 71-09 An Ordinance Repealing Section 17.12.160 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bloomington, Entitled "National Electrical Code Adopted" 

Resolution 71-09 (Passed) download

Resolution 71-09 Temporary Loan ‡$215,000 for Off-Street Parking Facilities and $119,511.42 for Construction of Down-Town Sidewalks

Appropriation Ordinance 71-09 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 71-09 An Ordinance Specially Appropriating from the General Fund Not Otherwise Appropriated of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, to Meet the Extraordinary Emergencies Found to Exist in the Various Departments 

Resolution 71-08 (Passed) download

Resolution 71-08 Investment of Funds, Water Bond & Interest Fund ($1,000,000), Sewage Works Sinking Fund ($330,000), and Sewage Works Construction Imp. Fund ($600,000)

Appropriation Ordinance 71-08 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 71-08 An Ordinance Specially Appropriating from the General Fund Not Otherwise Appropriated of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, to Meet the Extraordinary Emergencies Found to Exist in the Various Departments 

Ordinance 71-07 (Passed) download

Ordinance 71-07 An Ordinance Concerning the Annexation of Adjacent and Contiguous Territory Pursuant to the Filing of a Petition for Voluntary Annexation 

Resolution 71-07 (Passed) download

Resolution 71-07 Off-Street Parking, A Resolution Approving the Recommendations Set Forth in the Study and Survey of Off-Street Parking

Resolution 71-06 (Passed) download

Resolution 71-06 Assignment of Lots 13 and 14 to City of Bloomington ‡A Resolution Accepting Rights to Purchase Land at 2201 East Third Street for the Sum of $22,000