
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Resolution 81-15 (Passed) download

Resolution 81-15 To Adopt a Written Fiscal Plan and Establish a Policy for the Provision of Services to the 137 Acres Bordered Approximately by South Walnut Street, Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Tracks, Hillside Drive, and Country Club Drive 

Resolution 81-14 (Passed) download

Resolution 81-14 To Adopt a Written Fiscal Plan and Establish a Policy for the Provision of Services to the 309-Acre Area at the Northeast Corner of Winslow Road and Henderson St

Resolution 81-12 (Passed) download

Resolution 81-12 A Resolution Authorizing a Temporary Loan from the Local Road and Street Fund to the Parks and Recreation Fund and the Police Pension Fund

Ordinance 81-10 (Made Redundant)

Ordinance 81-10 Made Redundant by the Introduction of Ordinance 81-95, which accomplished the annexation of this territory and more