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Page last updated on December 20, 2017 at 5:40 pm

The Sanitation Modernization Advisory Committee was formed and tasked by Mayor Hamilton to study and make recommendations to improve the City's proposal to modernize solid waste and recycling collection services. At the request of the mayor, the members of this committee were asked to participate based on their expertise in critical areas related to this analysis and/or to represent important stakeholders including the residents of Bloomington. As requested by the mayor, this report is intended to provide him with a final recommendation for the future operations of the Sanitation Division.

Sanitation Modernization Advisory Committee (SMAC)

Adam Wason, Chair

Director of Public Works, City of Bloomington

Shelby Walker, Vice-Chair

Director of Sanitation, City of Bloomington

Steve Volan

City of Bloomington Common Council

Efrat Feferman

Assistant Director of Finance, City of Bloomington

Jacqui Bauer

Sustainability Coordinator, City of Bloomington

Sandi Clothier

Neighborhood Representative, Near West Side Neighborhood Assoc.

Calvin Davidson

Solid Waste Industry-Ray's Trash Service

Kenny Depasse

Solid Waste Industry- Republic Services

Tom McGlasson

Executive Director, Monroe County Solid Waste Management District

Chad Roeder

City of Bloomington Environmental Commission

Jim Sherman

Utilities Service Board member (and former Common Council member)