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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on September 7, 2021 at 3:05 pm

For more information, please contact

Jason Moore, Fire Chief,, 812-349-3891


The Challenge

The fire department’s Quick Response Vehicle (QRV) is excellent for navigating Bloomington, but it lacks the crucial storage capacities needed in emergencies. Keeping equipment organized in the QRV is a challenge; in the event of an accident, storage in a QRV could become a hazard for the emergency responders. The QRV is not factory outfitted to support all the needs of the fire department, meaning that their effectiveness is limited until they are upgraded. Unfortunately, commercial storage units for the QRV is almost $3,000. With a price tag like this, the fire department needed to be innovative.


The Idea

Sergeant Neibel, an early member of the QRV pilot program, took measures into his own hands. Using some scrap wood, Sergeant Neibel constructed a custom storage unit for the QRV that served the needs of the department more specifically. This prototype was accepted and implemented in other vehicles and proved to not only be cheaper, but sturdier than the commercial option.


The Cost

The custom storage units cost $175 to construct and a few hours of labor, compared to the $3,000 for commercial options.


The Benefit

What are the benefits of the custom storage units?

  • Less expensive than commercial alternative.

  • Lighter and sturdier than commercial alternative.

  • Keeps emergency responders safe in the event of an accident.

  • Is designed specifically for the needs of the fire department.

  • Increases the effectiveness of the QRV.



City Department(s): Fire Department

City Department Point(s) of Contact: Fire Chief Jason Moore

Partner(s): n/a

Partner Point(s) of Contact: n/a

Type of Innovation: Equipment/Mechanical 

Date Implemented: August 2017