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Page last updated on June 7, 2022 at 11:43 am

The City of Bloomington worked with Wells+Associates consultants to develop a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan.

TDM consists of programs, education, pricing, and other strategies to shift behavior using existing infrastructure. The focus of Bloomington’s TDM Plan is to reduce single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) use to and within the downtown by shifting some trips to other forms of transportation (walking, bicycling, carpooling, using public transit), by reducing some trips through remote work, by shifting some trips away from peak travel times, and other strategies. An effective TDM program includes comprehensive integration of a wide range of information, encouragement, and incentive strategies to aid residents in their daily transportation decision-making needs and increase transportation efficiency across the community.

Summary of the Steps To Date:

Kick Off Meeting--June 2019

Wells+Associates consultants officially kicked off the Bloomington TDM Planning effort on June 12, 2019. The kick off effort involved meeting with staff from Planning and Transportation, Parking, Economic Development and Communications to discuss Scope and Timeline Review, SOAR, Survey, City Politics & Operations, Sustainability Action Plan Effort, Existing Data, and Future Conditions. Touring target geographies and presenting to City Council to introduce W+A and present preliminary findings from meetings and tour were also part of the process.

TDM Plan Presentation to Common Council - 6/12/19 - PDF file

TDM Plan Presentation to Common Council - 6/12/19 - CATS Video


To provide general direction for the Bloomington TDM program, a steering committee from the Bloomington community was developed by Wells+Associates consultants and staff based on meetings and tour of the study area. The stakeholder consensus-building and visioning exercise focuses on enhancing the ways in which a current program is being done well rather than concentrating on perceived weaknesses. The following stakeholders participated in all or part of the TDM program planning process:

  • Bloomington Arts Commission
  • Bloomington Economic Development Corporation
  • Bloomington Transit
  • City of Bloomington: Community and Family Resources Department, Economic & Sustainable Development Department, Office of the Mayor, Public Works Department
  • COOK Medical
  • Downtown Bloomington Inc. (DBI)
  • Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce
  • Indiana University TDM Program and Parking Operations
  • Indiana University Health
  • Monroe County Public Library
  • Monroe County Commissioners’ Office


Stakeholder Meeting--SOAR Exercise--August 2019

Stakeholder Engagement meeting with Wells+Associates consultants regarding the SOAR Exercise (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) on Aug 1, 2019. The purpose of this meeting was for stakeholders to determine preferred results of the plan. 


Downtown Bloomington Residential Travel Survey--August & September 2019

The survey was attached to the Neighborhood Parking Permit application. There was an additional follow-up survey to learn more from residents.


Downtown Bloomington Employee Transportation Survey--October 2019

An online survey for downtown Bloomington employees to gauge their commuting patterns.


Stakeholder Meeting--November 2019

The purpose of this meeting was to review the following:

  • Review the Survey Results, 
  • Gap Analysis: To determine what new TDM programs are necessary to deliver the Results from the SOAR and corresponding budget), 
  • TDM Marketing and Communications plan: To provide guidance on how to promote current and new TDM programs


Stakeholder Meeting--December 2019

The purpose of this meeting was to go over the draft Implementation Plan.


Report Presentation to Common Council--March 4, 2020

TDM Plan Presentation to Common Council - 03/04/20 - PDF file

TDM Plan Presentation to Common Council - 03/04/20 - CATS Video


TDM Plan Presentation to Common Council--June 3, 2020

Staff presented the TDM Plan to the City Council. The resolution in support of the TDM Plan as an advisory document was approved by the City Council on June 3, 2020.


Bloomington Transportation Infrastructure Improvement Opportunities Infographic 

Please find below the final Bloomington Transportation Infrastructure Improvement Opportunities Infographic.

Transportation Infrastructure Improvement Opportunities Infographic


Contact Information:

For more information, please contact Amir Farshchi, Long Range Planner at or (812) 349-3423.