Page last updated on November 27, 2024 at 10:18 am
The City of Bloomington Planning & Transportation Department provides a continuity of City government services to support the community’s well-being by offering both remote and in-person services.
6TH ST BACK-IN ANGLE PARKING - To improve visibility and safety for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists, the City of Bloomington has converted the on-street parking on East 6th Street between Walnut and Washington streets to back-in angle parking. What changed exactly? In conjunction with a scheduled street paving of 6th Street, the new parking stall lines were striped at a different angle to allow for reverse parking. Some of the meters and bicycle racks were moved to better align with the new parking spaces. Drivers will now drive forward, just passing the parking space to then back in slowly, similarly to parallel parking. A good rule of thumb is to line up your side view mirror with the third line counting from the outermost line of the parking space you are backing into. Overall, drivers will have better visibility when driving out of a parking space.
Please fill out this survey to leave your feedback on the new back-in angle parking on 6th Street. For more information about the project please visit the Engineering Department's Current Infrastructure Projects webpage. The survey can be found here:
When Conducting Business with Planning and Transportation:
- Call first - speak with staff as most inquires can be addressed over the phone. This includes payments, permits, and general questions.
- Email or use standard mail - permits, others forms and materials can easily and safely be emailed or mailed.
- Walk-in service is welcome, but please consider on-line and remote service options we offer.
- Exercise patience - our goal is to provide the best service.
- Permits and Information - access on-line permit applications and annual petition map information at:
As Bloomington continues to evolve and change as a community, the City of Bloomington Planning and Transportation Department has a very important mission: To ensure that the elements that make Bloomington special are maintained and enhanced as new development and redevelopment occurs. In order to ensure that our community retains its unique qualities, it is important to proactively plan for the impacts of this future development.
Accomplishing this task requires the Planning and Transportation Department's corps of professional staff to develop long-term plans which address important community issues such as the provision of adequate transportation infrastructure, the development of sidewalk, pathway, and trail networks, and the protection and enhancement of Bloomington's neighborhoods.
In addition to developing these long-term plans, the Planning and Transportation Department must review both permits for construction, as well as development projects requiring public hearing approval. As part of this review, the Planning and Transportation Department strives to ensure that environmental features are protected, buildings exhibit high-quality architecture, and pleasing streetscapes are created.
Most of all, our department works hard to review development projects and create long-term plans in order to protect and enhance Bloomington's great quality of life.
The Planning and Transportation Department is organized into two divisions: Development Services and Planning Services. Development Services provides expertise on zoning and land use questions, reviews development petitions, administers and issues permits, enforces zoning ordinances, and provides policy direction related to environmental protection. Planning Services provides expertise on long-range planning studies and sub-area planning studies for land use and transportation policy, collects, analyzes and disseminates data, assigns addresses and issues permits.
The Planning and Transportation Department provides support to numerous boards and commissions linked at More specific information on Department projects, programs, and services is provided at the links below. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning and Transportation Department at (812) 349-3423, or send an E-mail to
Permits and Information
Permits and information from the Planning and Transportation department. Meeting Schedule and Project Deadlines (DRC brochure) for hearing dates and deadlines for the Plan Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, Hearing Officer, and Plat Committee.
Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)
The UDO governs land use and development throughout the City of Bloomington planning jurisdiction.
Plans and Studies
Plans and Studies of the Planning and Transportation department
Comprehensive Plan
Information on the comprehensive plan for the City of Bloomington.
Boards and Commissions
Boards and Commissions staffed by the Planning and Transportation department
Voluntary Annexation Map
Properties that meet the minimum contiguity requirements set forth at IC 36-4-3-1.5 have been identified and mapped (link). These properties offer a means to consider extending the City's boundaries and services to help plan for appropriate urban growth. Interested parties should contact the City's Utilities Department at 812-349-3650 to review the feasibility of sanitary sewer extensions to the mapped properties. If the extension is feasible, interested parties will need to coordinate with the City on the steps necessary for voluntary annexation
Bloomington-Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization (BMCMPO)
The BMCMPO is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) that serves the City of Bloomington, the Town of Ellettsville, parts of Monroe County and local transit agencies.
Traffic Calming and Greenways Program
Information on City Traffic Calming and Neighborhood Greenways
City of Bloomington ADU Resource
City of Bloomington's Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Resource, your one-stop-shop for information on building an ADU in Bloomington! ADUs are small, self-contained residential units built on the same lot as an existing home. They can provide affordable housing options, additional rental income, and more.
Documents Clearinghouse
A repository of all documents, plans, and studies of the department of Planning and Transportation