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Storm Resources Round-Up

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Page last updated on February 9, 2024 at 3:09 pm

Resident-Led Process: 

The Resident-Led Process of the Traffic Calming and Greenways Program (TCGP) allows residents to work with the City to manage motor vehicle traffic on residential streets. Traffic calming devices primarily considered for the program include speed cushions and speed humps. 

There is one Resident-Led TCGP cycle annually beginning at the start of the calendar year. The process for the annual cycle is as follows:


Flow Chart Describing the Resident Led Process of the TCGP

Neighborhood Greenways: 

Neighborhood Greenways are low-speed, low-volume, shared-space streets that create high-comfort walking and bicycling connections. To see which streets are designated as Neighborhood Greenways, check out the Transportation Plan. In order to create a connected network, the City is prioritizing the design and installation of Neighborhood Greenways recommended in the Priority Bicycle Facilities Network. For 2024, several Neighborhood Greenways are in the works. To design and install Neighborhood Greenways, the City follows the Staff-Led Traffic Calming/Neighborhood Greenways Process. 


For More Information:

Contact Hank Duncan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, at or (812) 349-3529