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Scheduled Outage: GIS will be down for upgrades Thursday starting 5:00pm

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Page last updated on June 24, 2024 at 1:32 pm

The Bloomington Comprehensive Plan is the city’s long range plan for land use and development. It is a set of goals, policies, maps, illustrations, and implementation strategies that state how the City of Bloomington should address development: physically, socially, and economically. This is the third edition of the City’s comprehensive plan; it renames and replaces the Growth Policies Plan of 2002, which in turn replaced the Growth Policies Plan of 1991.

While the Bloomington Comprehensive Plan has a horizon of 2040, it should be reviewed periodically and updated regularly in response to land use trends, changes in population, or any significant events that may affect Bloomington’s future. These updates will ensure that the Plan and its individual elements remain relevant.

The Plan establishes the framework and provides direction for City elected and appointed officials and staff to make decisions regarding the desired location and intensity of growth, development and redevelopment opportunities, transportation facilities, parks, and other public services. Methods to help foster a healthy local economy, actions to protect and enhance the natural environment, and providing equitable access to housing and delivery of public services are also integral parts of the Plan.

A process was initiated to update the GPP, starting in 2011. The Plan Commission adopted a final draft at their June 2017 meeting to be considered by the Common Council. For more information on the update and adoption process please use this link for more information: Comprehensive Plan Update Process  The Common Council adopted a final draft at their January 17, 2018 meeting with Resolution 18-01.  The Plan Commission, subsequently approved the Plan at their March 19, 2018 hearing (signed report).   

Comprehensive Plan Tracking