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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on January 5, 2024 at 9:28 am


The City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) has the responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the detention pools at the Miller Showers area for the purpose of stormwater management. This includes dredging as needed to maintain storm water capacities and periodic maintenance on the sediment traps. These storm water pools must be dredged to maintain their hydraulic capacity. The solids removed must be dried to a range from 21%- 23% solids content and transported to a permitted landfill. Total quantity to remove is assumed to be about 2,900 cubic yards.

Hydraulically dredge 5.56 acres of open water in two ponds at Miller Showers Park to remove excess sediment. Pump water from the dredging project into four 100-foot by 30-foot geotextile sediment tubes located east of the stream north of the two ponds before releasing the water back into an Unnamed Tributary to Griffy Creek. After completion of the dredging the material will need to be dewatered to a range from 21% to 23% solids content and must be able to be disposed of in a traditional landfill. The contractor must keep records of loads of material removed. The dewatered solids must then be transported to a final disposal location APPROVED BY THE CITY within a 75-mile radius of the disposal area.

All specifications in the associated 401 WQC permit must be followed.




An in-person pre-bid conference will be held prior to the Bid opening on December 28, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. to familiarize Bidders with this Project. The meeting will be held in person at City of Bloomington Utilities, 600 E. Miller Drive, Bloomington, in the Board Meeting Room. Representatives of OWNER/ENGINEER and DESIGNER will be present to discuss the Project.
Impacted utilities are also invited to attend and describe their relocation work. Bidders are encouraged to attend and participate in the conference. Engineer will transmit to all prospective Bidders of record such Addenda as Engineer considers necessary in response to questions arising at the conference. Oral statements may not be relied upon and will not be binding or legally effective.


Sealed bids shall be received by the Utilities Department, at 600 E Miller Drive, Bloomington, Indiana 47401, at or before 4:00 PM local time on January 23, 2024.  Any bids received after the designated time will be returned unopened.  Bids will be publicly opened by the Utilities Service Board during the January 9, 2024 special meeting beginning at 4:00 PM local time.


Award of the bid may be made during the regularly scheduled USB Meeting on Tuesday, January 29, 2024, or a subsequent meeting of the Board.



Katherine Zaiger, Project Manager

City of Bloomington Director of Environmental Programs

(812) 349-3656



Project Manual (5.47 MB)
Addendum #1 (12.18 MB)
Addendum #2 (993.39 KB)