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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund, Parks General Fund, Local Road & Street Fund, Parking Meter Fund, Jack Hopkins Social Services Funding Program Fund, and Vehicle Replacement Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating a Portion of the Amount of Funds Reverted to Various City Funds at the End of 2017 for Unmet Needs in 2018)

This ordinance appropriates an additional $1,768,937 of funds from the General Fund, Parks General Fund, Local Road and Street Fund, Parking Meter Fund, and the Vehicle Replacement Fund. This amount is a portion of the $3,124,391 reverted to various City funds at the end of last year and will be used for temporary labor, supplies training, outside services, grants, equipment, and capital replacements. And this ordinance also appropriates $300,000 for the Jack Hopkins Fund for 2018 and the balance of $14,554 from 2016 and 2017. Note: On May 2, 2018, the Common Council voted to consider this ordinance in two parts: - Part 1, included all of the appropriations except the General Fund appropriation for the HAND department, and was adopted, after an amendment, by a voice vote of 9-0; and - Part 2, entailed the General Fund appropriation for the HAND department, and was adopted by a vote of 8-0-1 (Sims).

Amends CodeNo
Final 2018-05-02 pass Part 1: 9-0; Part 2: 8-0-1 (Sims)