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ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION FOR APPROPRIATIONS AND TAX RATES (Establishing 2023 Civil City Budget for the City of Bloomington)

Be it ordained/resolved by the City of Bloomington Common Council that for the expenses of BLOOMINGTON CIVIL CITY for the year ending December 31, 2023 the sums herein specified are hereby appropriated and ordered set apart out of the several funds herein named and for the purposes herein specified, subject to the laws governing the same. Such sums herein appropriated shall be held to include all expenditures authorized to be made during the year, unless otherwise expressly stipulated and provided for by law. In addition, for the purposes of raising revenue to meet the necessary expenses of BLOOMINGTON CIVIL CITY, the property tax levies and property tax rates as herein specified are included herein. Budget Form 4-B for all funds must be completed and submitted in the manner prescribed by the Department of Local Government Finance. This ordinance/resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City of Bloomington Common Council.

Amends CodeNo
Final 2022-10-12 pass 9-0