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Date - 1974 Number Status Title Download
December 19 74-60 Passed Resolution 74-60 Budget Transfer Within Revenue Sharing Trust Fund - Drug Commission ($30) Resolution
December 19 74-59 Passed Resolution 74-59 Budget Transfers Within Motor Vehicle Highway Department ($29,156), Parks & Recreation Department ($5,835), Mayor's Office ($100), Engineering Department ($300), and Planning Department ($120) Resolution
December 17 74-58 Passed Resolution 74-58 Budget Transfers and Additional Appropriations for the Bloomington Water and Sewer Utilities Resolution
December 5 74-57 Passed Resolution 74-57 A Resolution Directing the Board of Public Works to Pay to the Redevelopment Commission the Sum of Eighty Thousand Dollars for the Purchase of the Land and Fixtures of City Inlots Number 187 and 188 Resolution
December 5 74-56 Passed Resolution 74-56 A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Bloomington, Indiana, Concerning the Acquisition of a Certain Part of Seminary Square from Monroe County Community School Corporation and Resolving that Said Square Shall at all Times be Used as a Public Park or Historical Site  Resolution
December 18 74-55 Passed Resolution 74-55 Budget Transfers Within Police Department ($3,000), Common Council ($400), Board of Public Works ($6,500), Telecommunications Council ($525), and Parks & Recreation Department ($4,635) Resolution
November 22 74-54 Passed Resolution 74-54 Budget Transfers Within Fire Department ($2,700) and Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund - Transportation Department ($7,480) Resolution
November 7 74-53 Passed Resolution 74-53 Budget Transfers Within City Attorney ($300), Animal Shelter ($275), Police Department ($20,000), Sanitation Department ($1,000), and City Court ($200)  Resolution
October 17 74-52 Passed Resolution 74-52 A Resolution Authorizing the City Controller to Add the Insurance Refund in the Total Amount of ($974) Back into Line Item No. 25 - Repairs of Equipment - of the Department of Recreation Resolution
October 17 74-51 Passed Resolution 74-51 Budget Transfers Within Fire Department ($1,325), Board of Public Works ($26,200) and Federal Revenue Sharing - Department of Transportation ($129) Resolution
October 17 74-50 Passed Resolution 74-50 A Resolution Appreciating the Bloomington Police Department for Assuming Responsibility For and Added Burden of Directing Automobile and Pedestrian Traffic at Indiana University Football Games Resolution
October 17 74-49 Passed Resolution 74-49 A Resolution Commending General Electric Plant for the Installation of an Industrial Waste Pretreatment Facility Resolution
- - - 74-48 Not Introduced Resolution 74-48 - - -
October 3 74-47 Passed Resolution 74-47 A Resolution Requesting that the Plan Commission Review the Matter of the Location of Parking Lots and Prepare Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance Which Will Correct an Omission from the Current Zoning Ordinance Resolution
- - - 74-46 Passed Resolution 74-46 Temporary Loan from Local Roads and Street Fund ($50,000) to Parks & Recreation Resolution
September 19 74-45 Passed Resolution 74-45 Budget Transfers Within City Court ($200), Drug Commission ($61.48), Environmental Commission ($350), Human Rights Commission ($100), Parks & Recreation ($15,250) Resolution
- - - 74-44 Passed Resolution 74-44 A Resolution Commending Jean Farmer's Efforts to Alert the Public to the Effect of Junk Food on Children's Health Resolution
September 19 74-43 Passed Resolution 74-43 A Resolution Commending Larry Walcoff, National Instructional Television and Those Agencies Which have Funded "Inside-Out" Resolution
- - - 74-42 Passed Resolution 74-42 A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Bloomington, Indiana, Requesting that the State of Indiana Acting by and Through the Department of Commerce Make Application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a Grant to Provide Planning Assistance for a Planning Project for the City of Bloomington and Pledging In-Kind Services or Funds to Provide for Its Share of the Project Resolution
September 5 74-41 Passed Resolution 74-41 Budget Transfers Within Telecommunications Council ($275), Planning Department ($100), Street Department - Federal Revenue Sharing ($34,266.56), and Transportation Department - Federal Revenue Sharing ($1,278) Resolution
August 16 74-40 Passed Resolution 74-40 Budget Transfer Within Animal Control ($400) Resolution
August 1 74-39 Passed Resolution 74-39 Budget Transfers Within Common Council ($22), Board of Public Works ($9,500), Redevelopment Department ($300), Cumulative Capital Improvement Fund ($14,000) Resolution
July 18 74-38 Passed Resolution 74-38 Budget Transfer Within Fire Department ($5,800), Redevelopment Department ($150), and Drug Commission ($150) Resolution
July 3 74-37 Passed Resolution 74-37 Budget Transfers Within Animal Shelter Budget ($200) and Planning Department Budget ($650) Resolution
- - - 74-36 Not Introduced Resolution 74-36 - - -
June 20 74-35 Passed Resolution 74-35 A Resolution Commending the Bloomington Chamber of Commerce for Originating the Idea and Coordination of the Freedom Festival Resolution
June 20 74-34 Passed Resolution 74-34 A Resolution Commending the Redevelopment Department for the Successful Operation of Past Summer Youth Employment Programs and Encouraging the Continuance of the Program Through this Summers Resolution
June 6 74-33 Passed Resolution 74-33 Budget Transfer Within Telecommunications Council ($150)  Resolution
June 8 74-32 Passed Resolution 74-32 A Resolution Approving the Rate Structure Increase of the Monroe All-Channel Cablevision, Inc  Resolution
May 16 74-31 Passed Resolution 74-31 A Resolution Approving Application of the Provisions of Section 23 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, As Amended, to the Housing Authority of the City of Bloomington, Indiana  Resolution
May 16 74-30 Passed Resolution 74-30 A Resolution Expressing the Desire of the Common Council that the Location of the New Water Storage Facility be Reconsidered to the Site East of the By-Pass Resolution
May 16 74-29 Passed Resolution 74-29 A Resolution Expressing that the Parks and Recreational Facilities of the City of Bloomington are for All Citizens on the Community and the Board and Department of Parks and Recreation Should Take Every Step Necessary to Insure Full Utilization by People Resolution
May 16 74-28 Passed Resolution 74-28 Budget Transfers Within Fire Department ($1,800), Personnel Department ($670), and Federal Revenue Sharing (Street Department) ($50,000) Resolution
- - - 74-27 Not Introduced Resolution 74-27 A Resolution in Support of Local Funding for Public Transportation  Resolution
May 2 74-26 Passed Resolution 74-26 Budget Transfers Within Animal Shelter ($435), Human Rights Commission ($30), and Board of Public Works ($2,750, $500) Resolution
April 18 74-25 Passed Resolution 74-25 Budget Transfers Within Telecommunications Council ($50) and Federal Revenue Sharing Transportation Department ($2,000) Resolution
April 4 74-24 Passed Resolution 74-24 A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana Expressing Its Profound Admiration and Respect to Hubert T. Davis and Recognizing with Gratitude his Outstanding and Unselfish Service to Our Community Resolution
April 4 74-23 Passed Resolution 74-23 Temporary Loans From Utilities Department ($450,000) to General Fund Resolution
April 4 74-22 Passed Resolution 74-22 Investment of Funds A Resolution Authorizing the City Controller to Invest Any Funds on Hand Held by the Controller not then Needed in Order to Meet Current Demands Nor Required for Legal Reserves, without Securing Prior Approval Resolution
March 26 74-21 Passed Resolution 74-21 Investment Resolution Water Depreciation ($200,000) and Water Bond & Interest ($600,000) Both to Mature in 90 Days Resolution
March 21 74-20 Passed Resolution 74-20 Investment of Funds Sewage Operating Fund ($70,000) to Mature in 30 Days Resolution
March 21 74-19 Passed Resolution 74-19 Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Application with the Department of Transportation, United States of America, for a Grant Under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as Amended  Resolution
March 21 74-18 Passed Resolution 74-18 Temporary Loans From Local Road & Street Fund ($45,00) to Parks & Recreation Department ($10,000), Rosehill Cemetery ($10,000), Police Pension Fund ($10,000), and Fire Pension Fund ($15,000) Resolution
March 21 74-17 Passed Resolution 74-17 Budget Transfers Within Parks & Recreation ($300) Resolution
- - - 74-16 Not Introduced Resolution 74-16 Not Introduced - - -
March 7 74-15 Passed Resolution 74-15 A Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Bloomington, Indiana, Requesting that the State of Indiana Acting By and Through the Department of Commerce Make Application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for a Grant to Provide Planning Assistance for a Planning Project for the City of Bloomington and Pledging Funds to Pay for Its Share of the Project  Resolution
March 7 74-14 Passed Resolution 74-14 Investment of Funds Motor Vehicle High Way Fund ($50,000), Cumulative Capital Fund ($250,000), Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund ($250,000), Parking Meter Fund ($20,000), Parking Facilities Fund ($20,000), Parking Meter Project "A" ($5,000), Parking Meter Project "B" ($15,000), Older American Center ($5,000), Redevelopment NDP Fund ($1,100,000), Water Bond & Interest ($800,000), Water Depreciation ($600,000), Special Water Construction ($280,000), Water Meter ($35,000), Sewage Works Depreciation Fund ($200,000), Sewage Works Construction Fund ($100,000), Sewage Works Sinking Fund ($225,000), Sewage General Fund ($250,000), Sewage General Fund (Escrow) ($60,106.76), and Sewage General Fund (Escrow) ($69,598.42) All to Mature in 30 Days Resolution
March 7 74-13 Passed Resolution 74-13 A Resolution Seeking to Appeal the Decision of February 27, 1974, in Monroe Circuit Court be Appealed by the City of Bloomington to the Indiana Court of Appeals Resolution
February 21 74-12 Passed Resolution 74-12 Transfer of Funds Within Board of Public Works ($500) and Federal Revenue Sharing (Department of Transportation ($4,965.82) Resolution
February 21 74-11 Passed Resolution 74-11 Investment of Funds Sewage Operating Fund ($69,336) Resolution
- - - 74-10 Failed Resolution 74-10 A Resolution to Remand the Issue of Change of Zone for the Alexander Farm Area to the City Plan Commission for a Hearing during the Month of March, 1974 Resolution
February 7 74-09 Passed Resolution 74-09 Investment of Funds Cumulative Capital Fund ($170,000), Federal Revenue Sharing Trust Fund ($250,000), NDP Fund - Redevelopment ($1,000,000), Parking Meter Facilities ($20,000), Local Road & Street Fund ($50,000), Parking Revenue Bond Project B ($8,000), Water Bond & Interest Fund ($600,000), Water Depreciation ($550,000), Sewage Works Sinking Fund ($225,000), Sewage Works Construction Fund ($100,000), Special Water Construction ($280,000), Water Meter Fund ($35,000), General Fund ($50,000), and Motor Vehicle Highway Fund ($40,000) All to Mature in 30 Days Resolution
February 7 74-08 Passed Resolution 74-08 Temporary Loan From Local Road and Street Fund ($50,000) to Parks & Recreation Department Resolution
February 7 74-07 Passed Resolution 74-07 A Resolution Commending David Welsh and Indiana University Station WTIU for Implementation of Delayed Telecasts of Meeting of the Bloomington Common Council Resolution
February 7 74-06 Passed Resolution 74-06 A Resolution Reaffirming the Common Council's Endorsement of the Indiana Public Interest Research Group and Encouraging the Indiana University Board of Trustees to Continue their Support of INPIRG Resolution
February 7 74-05 Passed Resolution 74-05 Budget Transfers Within Personnel Department ($400), Parks & Recreation Department ($2,500, $16,200), and Cumulative Capital Fund ($12,000) Resolution
January 17 74-04 Passed Resolution 74-04 A Resolution Proclaiming January 18th, 1974 Ann Smith Day Resolution
January 10 74-03 Passed Resolution 74-03 Investment Resolution Revenue Sharing Trust Fund and NDP Fund- Redevelopment Department Both at $100,000 to Mature in 30 Days Resolution
January 3 74-02 Passed Resolution 74-02 Investment of Funds Water Bond & Interest Fund ($600,000) to Mature in 30 Days Resolution
January 3 74-01 Passed Resolution 74-01 Temporary Loan From Local Road and Street Fund ($5,000) to Rosehill Cemetery Resolution
October 3 74-00 Passed A Resolution Authorizing the Taking of an Appeal to the State Board of Tax Commissioners from Reductions to the City of Bloomington Budgets and Tax Levy of the Year 1975 by the Monroe County Board of Tax Adjustment Resolution