
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (849)

closed #193668

Biking & Walking

250 S Washington St Suit 1

Case Date:

Hello Car blocking the bike lane on Washington between 4th and 3rd Sts 9/20/24 at 6:06p, FL Plate: RGLU46 Thanks!

closed #193643

Sidewalk Requests

Curry Pike from Constitution Way to Hwy 45/ 2nd St

Case Date:

I’m not sure if this should be addressed to the city or county. There is no consistent sidewalk from Constitution Way to HWY 45/ 2 nd St along Curry Pike for anyone walking to and from Walmart. This would be very helpful for people living on this section of Curry Pike especially people who are in wheel chairs to be able to safely go to Walmart, Big Red Liquor or the Circle K Convenience store at that intersection. I hope the city or county will consider filling in the gaps along this stretch where there is no sidewalk. Please let me know if this is something the city will consider. Thank you

closed #193618

Biking & Walking

250 S Washington ST

Case Date:

Hello Car blocking the bike lane on Washington between 4th and 3rd Sts 9/18/24 at 6:09pm IN Plate: TNE190 Thanks!

closed #193610

Sidewalk Requests

3709 E Moores PIKE

Case Date:

Moores Pike really needs a bike lane or a multi use width sidewalk from clarizz to 446

closed #193574

Nuisance Lights

4517 E Morningside DR

Case Date:

The tall street light in the left upper corner of this picture also shines directly into my bedroom very bright perhaps it could be adjusted so it's not pointing directly into the third apartments(New). Thank you.

closed #193573

Nuisance Lights

4501 E 3rd ST

Case Date:

The light shines in my bedroom cycling on and off all through the night?I don't understand the purpose of this light? There already is too much unwanted lights in this area,plenty of lighting around the area. Please turn it off. Thank you The light is on the right side of 3rd st when entering into Summer House circle drive from the east.

closed #193550

Temporary Signage w/o permit

Case Date:

"Seal Coating" sign in the ROW at 400 S High Street.

closed #193545

Biking & Walking

4461 E 3rd ST

Case Date:

E 3rd St and E Morningside Dr or E 3rd Street: A crosswalk is needed at this location, as students must jaywalk to take a bus(E Hagan Street), creating a hazardous situation. Could you please consider installing a crosswalk here?

closed #193542

Temporary Signage w/o permit

Case Date:

Black and yellow "Seal coating" temporary sign in the grass at the corner of S Eagleson Ave (house #727) and S Sheridan Drive. Possibly in the ROW.

closed #193540

Temporary Signage w/o permit

Case Date:

"Summers Plumbing Heating & Cooling" sign in the grass in ROW across from 2301 and 2305 S Rogers Street.