
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (16)

closed #199654

Drainage or Runoff

413 W Kirkwood AVE

Case Date:

Hi! It looks like there’s a water leak in this alley. A lot of water is flowing from the ground and trickling down the street. Thanks!

closed #199653

Drainage or Runoff

413 W Kirkwood AVE

Case Date:

Hi! It looks like there’s a water leak in this alley. A lot of water is flowing from the ground and trickling down the street. Thanks!

closed #199652

Drainage or Runoff

413 W Kirkwood AVE

Case Date:

Hi! It looks like there’s a water leak in this alley. A lot of water is flowing from the ground and trickling down the street. Thanks!

open #199221

Potholes, Other Street Repair

517 E Kirkwood AVE

Case Date:

Probably not much can be done about this, but the new parking lot over the recently redone culvert downtown by People's Park has a low spot right where the diagonal path crosses through it. The low spot has been accumulating water after rains, and it seems the grading as it is prevents the water from going anywhere. Likely over time this will facilitate degradation of the pavement, but more importantly at present it creates a little lake that pedestrians and bicycles must travel through, and will probably produce a slick spot there when the temperature drops. Is there any way to have this area looked at and have it redone so that water drains away? Not clear if this is a City issue or not, given the entire lot is owned by IU.

closed #186810

Drainage or Runoff

906 W 6th ST

Case Date:

A water pipe is draining onto the sidewalk, causing a frozen pond .

closed #183730

Drainage or Runoff

101 S Union ST

Case Date:

Cone and blocks are still in the storm drain on the north side of the house. This will cause pooling of water when it rains.

closed #181896

Drainage or Runoff

407 E Varsity LN

Case Date:

There is a large water main break outside of 407 E Varsity Lane in Bloomington IN, Water is pouring up from the sidewalk and causing a stream to run down the side of the house. Needs urgent care. Likely shutoff.

closed #181892

Drainage or Runoff

389 E Varsity LN

Case Date:

I believe a pipe has burst. Water is flooding the parking lot and is coming up from the sidewalks.

open #179964

Sewer Problems (Storm Sewers)

1036 W 6th ST

Case Date:

All the storm water runoff from the White Oak Cemetery basin, during very hard rains, cannot be handled by the 4-storm drains near the intersection of 7th and Oak Streets. The excess is diverted through the gravel parking of our neighbor at 1025 W 7th, washing the gravel onto the street. The storm water then turns and washes through the alley between 6th & 7th Streets. It then goes through our carport and yard washing our mulch away in places. Oak street was paved in the past and is higher than the storm drain at 7th and Oak so any excess water has do go through the gravel parking instead of down the street. I would be happy to meet someone to look at this problem. Thanks.

open #179541

Drainage or Runoff

102 S Waldron ST

Case Date:

I am requesting a ditch or pipe be installed in the wooded easement south of my property that will move the water out to the storm drain that was recently installed last year on Waldron Street in front my house. On April 13th of this year, we received a lot of rain in just a couple hours and I noticed most of the water was coming from the wooded easement South of my house and running down into my yard, pooling up and overflowing down near my basement (where i've had flooding from the street runoff in years past). Phil Peden is who I've talked to in the past. Hoping this can be resolved before we get more rain this Spring. Thank you, -Kyle Spears Homeowner of 102 South Waldron St. 812-369-0765