
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (9)

closed #200751

Potholes, Other Street Repair

606 south christopher dr

Case Date:

Water pipe issue repaired some time ago at corner of Christopher and Brownridge. Street needs to be repaired - just a rough repair as of now. Weather permitting of course! Thanks for your attention when time is appropriate for repair.

closed #199218

Potholes, Other Street Repair

3777 E Cameron AVE

Case Date:

Mike Baye called into Risk and informed me, Jazmyn Forte Plunkett, that his whole street was recently repaved by the Street Department. He's noticed that water is not draining from the street properly. He explained that there was a crest and it's too high and water is accumulating near his neighbor's mailbox. His neighbor is a 70 year old woman, and he's worried that if the water freezes over, she could hurt herself. Attached are photos he sent over to me of the concern.

closed #189515

Water Utility Problems

3855 E Brighton AVE

Case Date:

We recently bought this house. When the plumber installed new toilets, he suggested I ask the city to check the water pressure. On June 12 I called about this, but have not heard back. Please advise. Thank you. John Scott Long 3855 E Brighton Ave 812-322-2940

closed #182483

Water Utility Problems

605 S Meadowbrook DR

Case Date:

For the past several weeks, water seems to be pooled in middle of E Brownridge. Perhaps it is coming from beneath the street.

closed #177708

Water Utility Problems

400 S Pleasant Ridge Rd.

Case Date:

No water pressure.

closed #175708

Water Utility Problems

3434 E Homestead DR

Case Date:

My water pressure is very low. Are there issues in this area of Hoosier Acres?

closed #171939

Potholes, Other Street Repair

3800 E 3rd ST

Case Date:

An area was dug up sometime ago to repair a water pipe, however the job was never finished. Cement was poured but no asphalt was applied

closed #171264

Potholes, Other Street Repair

3725 E Brownridge RD

Case Date:

On Sunday there was a break in a water pipe that necessitated digging up the street in from of our house and mail box.The work was left unfinished, I assume due to the snow fall. Is it possible t repair and finish now that the weather has improved. It is difficult for the mailman to deliver mail.

closed #167908

Debris Removal (Sand, General Street Debris)

3420 E Adair LN

Case Date:

Not sure if this is private property or part of the green belt along Clarizz but trash is everywhere and there is a large body of untreated water ready to fester with rising temperatures.