Sidewalk Snow Removal
1002 E Maxwell LN
- Case Date:
- 4/25/1996
Donna called to explain that when it rains water is backing up in her basement. This is something new that has been happening the last 3 times it has rained. There is a lot of sand in this water. Is something blocked?
Sidewalk Snow Removal
1002 E Maxwell LN
- Case Date:
- 4/25/1996
Donna called to explain that when it rains water is backing up in her basement. This is something new that has been happening the last 3 times it has rained. There is a lot of sand in this water. Is something blocked?
Sidewalk Snow Removal
1020 E Maxwell LN
- Case Date:
- 10/23/1998
See letter Stetson turned in. The neighbor at 1016 E. Maxwell Lane is constructing an entry off of Manor Road. They are filling in the drainage ditch with soil thereby blocking the water flow. Stetson feels that during the next rain this work could cause severe water damage to her basement
Sidewalk Snow Removal
1033 S Hawthorne DR
- Case Date:
- 3/30/2000
Mr. Impey says that there was water coming up from the street which was the result of poor drainage from the Deer Park development.
Sidewalk Snow Removal
1033 S Hawthorne DR
- Case Date:
- 3/30/2000
Mr. Impey says that there was water coming up from the street which was the result of poor drainage from the Deer Park development.
Sidewalk Snow Removal
1040 S Manor RD
- Case Date:
- 7/15/1996
SEE ATTACHED LETTER. Mr. Zeller believes that the water problem that he has in his basement is caused by the Carlisle Braking Company which borders his property. He has been dealing with the problem approximately 10-12 years.
Sidewalk Snow Removal
1130 E Atwater AVE
- Case Date:
- 10/28/1997
Mr. Frattanni is getting backflow into his basement during storm events. Claims it is storm water because of the gravel and sand residue left in his basement.
Sidewalk Snow Removal
1220 E Hunter AVE
- Case Date:
- 6/10/1996
Camera in sewer reports clean intermittant water in surges. Bill want us to see if we can verify a sump pump into the sanitary and request inspections. Call Bill with details.
Sidewalk Snow Removal
311 S Lincoln ST
- Case Date:
- 5/5/1997
Driving to work at 8:00 a.m., water had begun to form large puddle on Lincoln St. near Boys and Girls Club.
Sidewalk Snow Removal
311 S Lincoln ST
- Case Date:
- 5/5/1997
water seeping up into street