Excessive Growth
911 N Maple ST
- Case Date:
- 6/29/2020
Yard waste, claims "poison" being poured on the area where excessive growth. Concerned about "poison" getting into other yards, being near children and the safety of the water supply.
- Case Date:
- 9/19/2018
A water fountain in Bryan Park next to the tennis courts is malfunctioning; it has been running continuously for the past few days.
- Case Date:
- 7/12/2018
Litter, water overflow, dumpster overflow in alley behind.
Excessive Growth
4798 N Old State Road 37
- Case Date:
- 7/10/2018
The house has not been lived in for over a year; there is water in the basement of the house, mold, and excessive growth in the yard. The address is 4798 N Old State Road 37, 47408
Drainage or Runoff
1011 S High ST
- Case Date:
- 4/16/2018
Ms McGough called last week and asked for any document we have for storm water work we have performed near her house to help resolve ongoing drainage complaints.
Drainage or Runoff
2416 S Woolery Mill DR
- Case Date:
- 7/27/2017
She represents the Woolery Mills HOA. Indicated the resident at 2416 Woolery Mill Dr had water in their crawlspace last weekend. They checked and found a drain not functioning and didn't know if it was City responsibility. She emailed pictures.
Potholes, Other Street Repair
- Case Date:
- 5/23/2017
Outside her complex, on the western side of the building, the parking area has potholes, so they flood after it rains. She suggested the area be trenched and a drain installed so the water does no continue to pool. Whatever the solution, she would be appreciative if it could be fixed!
- Case Date:
- 3/22/2017
Allison Oeding, the property owner of 4445 East Moores Pike called Wednesday, March 22nd around 3:40pm to complain about a reoccuring problem that she has been having over the past year. Her property is adjacent to the old water pump station. At this water pump station it seems as though people have been placing sticks and leaves along the side of it. On two seperate occasions during this last year, she has had to clean up this area because it has been attracting things such as wasp nests. She would really like to be contacted about this issue with the ultimate goal of meeting with a city official about it. Her phone number is 812-272-7996 and her email is allisonoeding@yahoo.com.
- Case Date:
- 3/6/2017
Resident at 4445 E. Moores Pike called to report neighbor's yard waste that piles up next to her property. It's a small pile of brush right now, but in the past has been very large and attracting wasp nests, etc. Neighbor places yard waste next to the old water pump station.
Sewer Problems (Sanitary Sewers)
2107 S Rogers ST
- Case Date:
- 9/27/2016
Water is running across the road, and it smells like sewer.