
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (29)

closed #199104

Water Quality

5461 W Bedrock RD

Case Date:

I just read the article where you're using a coconut powder treatment in the water. My wife is highly allergic to coconut. What are we supposed to do!? Whose stupid idea was this? Is there a way for us to filter this out? I mean we've ended up in the hospital before because she consumed coconut oil in food that we didn't know was in there. This is serious for us. Please stop this process. Help!

closed #193839


3293 W 3rd ST

Case Date:

Men’s bathroom at planet fitness has mold, so does the water dispenser on top of the water fountain.

closed #187996

Water Utility Problems

4124 W Daniel AVE

Case Date:

Need water turned on asap

closed #187915

Debris Removal (Sand, General Street Debris)

3732 W Maple Leaf DR

Case Date:

Drainage ditch across street is so full of leaves & tree branches, the ditch is filling up with standing water when it rains. There's no water flowing wherever it's supposed to flow.

closed #186853

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

4353 W Gifford RD

Case Date:

Dogs are kept outside on the porch for 8+ hours a day with no shelter, food, or water. They constantly bark, wanting to get away from the cold and rain. When the owner does let them in it’s only 1 dog at a time and it’s never for very long.

closed #186277

Water Utility Billing Problems

3830 W Woodhaven DR

Case Date:

House has been vacant and for sale since first of August, We have been getting billed for far more water than we used when we lived there, even when we watered outside... No running toilets, leaks, etc. Please advise .... Thanks ....

closed #185216

Water Utility Problems

4101 W Gifford RD

Case Date:

During the home inspection, its come to know that the water inlet pressure is 80 PSI which is going to affect pipe fitting in the house and it is safety issue. I am looking for bLoomington utilities to install a pressure regulator so the water pressure could be lowered down to 60 PSI. I tried calling customer service but i havent got any help

closed #185137

Water Quality

3937 W Walnut Leaf DR

Case Date:

A lot of rust in water. Also the neighbor at 3945 hired a landscaping Company , they drove over the meter opening & broke the top. Don’t know if that’s contributing to water quality.

closed #184521

Water Utility Problems

5365 W Cobblestone ST

Case Date:

water was turned off for non-payment while I was out of town, subsequently received a letter that water would be turned off after July 11 if I did not pay. I paid immediately but no one available to turn on because it's a weekend, EVEN THOUGH TURNED OFF BEFORE SHUTOFF DATE??!!!?

closed #181587

Water Utility Problems

828 S Harvey DR

Case Date:

I work for Mackie Properties, and we manage a rental at 828 S Harvey Dr. Our tenants reported a broken water/sewer cover in their front yard last month. My coworker left CBU a voicemail about the issue 8/30/22, but I don't think we heard back, so I wanted to follow up on having this utility lid repaired/replaced. Thank you!