
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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closed #161201

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

Case Date:

We have a skunk in the neighborhood who is injured with a plastic ring around it's neck. It drinks from a bowl of water on our porch, which we've found bloody the past several weeks. We finally saw the skunk at night and discovered the plastic ring around it's neck. Can a live trap be set?

closed #150125

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

Case Date:

A few months ago, my 5yr old son and I moved into a house located at 620 West 15th Street in Bloomington, Indiana. The landlord Michael Stone stayed he was in the process of remodeling and investing in the House. It has been apprx four months now and the trash and other hazardous gas/propane has been growing more and more outside the house, behind the house, and along side of the garage {which not only making the house look filthy but also has brought all kinds of bugs inside and out of the house and HUGE living critters such as possums, raccoons, and mice living right under our deck that wraps around a majority of the house. These critters are not only HUGE in size but they also fight with my outdoor cats and are fearless of humans and scare my company and children. I have brought the critters and the bug problem to my landlords attention on numerous times and he is very aware of such issues but refuses to do anything other than continue to add to thee trash and thee rubbish outside of the house. Further more, I have just recently moved into the basement part of the house where the landlord had converted it into a two bedroom/one half bath for more space for me and my children. When I moved down to the basement, the landlord claimed he was in the process of laying carpet down and adding a drop ceiling, however I did not realize how bad of shape the basement truly was in when me and my kids moved from the upstairs bedroom to the basement "apartment". I have been renting in the basement part of the house now for appxly three months now and the landlord has not fixed anything as he stated he would when I moved down there. {example: the whole furnace and water heater is exposed with wires of all sort and kinds, there are several different outlets, wires, pipes, and vents that are outdated and exposed with no covers or any type of coated insulation. Only part of the basement has a drop ceiling that covers small portions of wires, pipes, and light fixtures {most of which area is falling in and a portion of the drop ceiling has actually fallen in on top of my five yr old son } I have brought all of these violations and improper safety issues to the landlord on numerous times since moving in and the landlord continues to ignore any/all of the issues and concerns I have brought to his attention. I wish I could find another place to live but I am disabled and have a very limited income and can not find anything in our price range at the current moment. In December, things were really tight with the Holidays and all and I had to go to thee Trustees office for rental assistance that month; Although, I received a letter from the Trustees office stating they could not help me due to a number or reasons concerning the Landlord and something to do with the HANDS inspection people. I spoke with my landlord in person and showed him thee Letter from the Trustees office and I wanted an explanation and if the landlord had any knowledge of why the Trustees office stated the written reasons why they could not assist with this particular location.. At first, the landlord denied any wrong doing and then he finally admitted to me and my father that he was NOT a licensed Landlord and HANDS (code enforcement or whoever inspects rentals) did NOT in fact, inspect the basement in which he has been renting out to me. The Landlord also stated to me and my father that the upstairs rooms that he has been renting out was supposedly approved by HANDS as only a "one family" house and only adults were approved to live up there (yet he had my kids and I living in one room for a few months before moving us down to the basement) According to the landlord, supposedly only one family house to be rented out only consist of three adults. The landlord was renting out to Me, my kids, and another room mate; all at the same time that the landlord, his girlfriend, and the girlfriends' two children were also using the same bathroom, shower, kitchen, laundry washer/dryer, and the entire house at the same time that the landlord was also renting the upstairs and basement out. NOTE: I have pictures, videos, written complaints, and the landlords' verbal acknowledgment recorded of his scandal and neglectful ways with this house he has been renting out. I am hoping to find a new place to live soon but in the mean time, these are just a few things that this slum lord has done and continuous to do.

closed #141634

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

900-998 North Woodburn Avenue

Case Date:

For the past 2 days one of my neighbors dogs has been outside barking/howling has no shelter form of shelter, no access to food and water, neighbors haven't been there or haven't been there long enough to take care of him. His dog cable has been caught up in twigs and such so its all tangled up. Its not the first time this has happen back during the summer they did this to him. I think someone should seriously check into this. He was in the pouring down rain today, and its now getting cold because of temp. dropping. Please have someone check on him! the address is 918 N Woodburn Ave. he is chained to the back porch. Thanks!

closed #142013

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

2713-2747 South Adams Street

Case Date:

The family of beavers appear to have moved into the detention pond on Tapp Rd. and South Adams Street. They have leveled several trees and are plugging up both the inlet for the neighborhood drainage and the outlet which allows the water to leave the pond. They have stuffed they incoming water pipe very full and water is backing up on the north side of west Adams Hill. This issue appears to be getting worse by the day.

closed #193738

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

11154 Locust Ave

Case Date:

I did a delivery to resident Emilio C on September 22, 2024. Upon entering the property, I saw about 10 - 15 small dogs VERY famished at the gate. When I got out of the car, I was met by a SWARM of flies EVERYWHERE. To the point, I went back to my car for a few seconds. When I approached the door, there was a closed crate full of kittens sitting in their feces and DIRECTLY in the sun. There was absolutely no water or food present. They had flies all over them and they were screaming and clawing towards me for “help”. The momma cat was frantic, thinking I had something for her. I fully believe these animals are severely neglected and need help.

closed #199495

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

914 S Timothy CT

Case Date:

Owners have not been home since around 11am on 11/28. Their dog has been left outside since in below freezing temperatures. Unsure if any food/water was left out.

closed #161324

Biking & Walking

Case Date:

Debris on sidewalk: Malibu and/or Opie Taylors dump waste water out their back door, in the alley on the back/eastside of the building. It runs down the alley, and across and down the sidewalk. I've meant to complain many times over the winters when it's created ice. Today it is a slick sludge of wet leaves that was slippery even though I was super aware and careful.

closed #144103

Biking & Walking

Case Date:

On the bit of trail connecting Madison st. to the B-line on third (near the convention center and city parking lot) sand had built up where water drains from the trail and parking lot down into 3rd st. that sand is dangerous for cyclist. thanks.

closed #161564

Blocked Street

1002 E Atwater AVE

Case Date:

Sat. morning I woke up to see the outline of an RV in the alley. When I went to take the photo, there was another car behind it, which subsequently moved. I was told by my neighbor that the RV had arrived Fri. night. As I was taking a photo, the owner came out and I informed him that he should move his car because it was in the public alley. He looked at me like I was insane, and then asked why. I also said he was parked next to my fence, where there is a large sign that says "No Trespassing," put up on the advice of Officer Dilts of the BPD. He then proceeded to spit out his toothpaste and water from his mouth onto the green area near the fence under the aforementioned sign. I do not know whether this green area is my property or the public alley, which is one reason we have been requesting that the City demarcate the public alley. I was also appalled by the nastiness. he remained parked in the alley until Sunday afternoon. I am asking for relief from the nonstop use of the public alley as the private backyard of this illegal frat (see Planning for their "Cease to function as a frat" NOV, which was sent twice to them with a final date of "by October 10, 2017." As is obvious from all the various Ureports I have written, most of their illegal parking occurs when no one is available at Parking. And when someone does come, the cars are not ticketed. I believe that only fines will discourage this constant viavai of cars and RVs. In addition to the fear that my fence would be damaged, the RV was hooked up to the house so that there was a motor/generator? going constantly and making constant noise. I am asking for you to come up with a solution to the private use of this public alley - a No Parking sign with towing and ticketing promised, or to vacate the alley so that the illegal frat can have their half to use as they please and we the homeowners at 1003 and 1005 E. Hunter may have our half to use as we please.

closed #199207

Blocked Street

822 S Fess AVE

Case Date:

The fiber optic company is at it again. I was In Indy all day and come to a blocked street with the fiber optic company striking a water main in the middle of Fess Avenue. Not only did they dig up my yard without notification and it still remains dirt covered WITH NO grass seed, I came home tonight after being in Indy ALL day to finding my driveway inaccessible with 4-5 city trucks, trailers and workers fixing a WATER MAIN break caused by the gigabit folks trying to install fiber optic UNDER the street and hitting a water main line. Who in the city hired and who manages these people??!! Enough is enough!