
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (154)

closed #132096

Potholes, Other Street Repair

101-319 South Woodlawn Avenue

Case Date:

At the southeast corner of 3rd and Woodlawn there is a large pothole that makes it hard to cross at the pedestrian crosswalk. Also, it fills up with water when it rains.

closed #167193

Street Snow Removal

1013 E Chris LN

Case Date:

Housing pipes burst and water has frozen over onto the street.

closed #192982

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1021 E Maxwell LN

Case Date:

The blacktop around the storm water grate in front of my house has eroded.

closed #168398

Drainage or Runoff

1030 W 6th ST

Case Date:

The alley behind 1030 and 1036 W 6th st is in need of additional gravel, water pools in the area during and after rainy days.

closed #175567

Street & Traffic Signs

10th St at Fountain Park Apartments, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA

Case Date:

Every year, we have several families of ducklings cross the road here to get to the pond at the Fountain Park apartment complex. Is it possible to have a duckling road sign installed so that oncoming traffic is cautious? There have been a couple close calls and even two casualties involving the ducks and their mothers during their journey to water. I think a sign would be helpful.

closed #188330

Potholes, Other Street Repair

110 S Indiana Ave, Bloomington, IN 47404, USA

Case Date:

Please repair alley between BuffaLouie's and Starbuck. Standing water every time it rains creates a lake and makes it hard to get in building. Even dry the area is a hazard with uneven pavement and loose stones.

closed #136397

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1100-1404 Liberty Drive

Case Date:

On February 17th 2014, I was driving northbound on Liberty Drive. I was in front of Arthur Solutions when I hit a pothole that was filled with water. The pothole not only took out one of my tires, but two. Does the city do any reimbursements for accidents such as these? Please contact my via phone. My quick trip to the grocery store ended up leaving me a repair bill for over four hundred dollars.

closed #176538

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1101 S Madison ST

Case Date:

Huge dip in Madison street causes water to pool in my yard and in front of our house. There needs to be a drain, or water will continue to pool in my yard and flood my driveway. This issue has continued to get worse.

closed #136141

Drainage or Runoff

111-199 South Maple Street

Case Date:

Claire, explained that the sidewalk at the northeast corner of the intersection of 4th/Maple has a pool of water on it because the adjacent storm drain is too high.

closed #187976

Drainage or Runoff

1119 S Graywell DR

Case Date:

Currently there is no proper rain water drainage on one side of the entire Graywell drive road. The road is eroding on one side since rain water flows over the road. Recently we had lot of rain as well and it has further eroded one side of the road. Can Bloomington Utilities install proper rainwater drainage so that roads don't need to be repaired again and again? It would be ideal if rain water can be discharged under the road. This will save lot of road repair costs. Thank you for helping the city with your work.