Page last updated on June 13, 2024 at 3:19 pm
All rental properties (with the exception of Indiana University) located within the City of Bloomington corporate limits must be registered with and inspected by the Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND). Maintaining an unregistered rental carries a penalty fine of up to One Hundred Dollars ($100) per day.
Rental regulations are covered by the Title 16 of the Municipal Code.
How to Obtain a Rental Occupancy Certificate
Register your Property
Fill out the Registration Form or call the office to make arrangements to fill it out.
- Business hours are between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and the office is located at 401 N. Morton St, in the Showers Plaza, Room 130.
- Phone inquiries should be made to 812-349-3420.
Schedule an Inspection
The property manager, maintenance person, tenant, or another authorized individual must be there to accompany the Staff Inspector during the inspection. If no one is there to accompany the inspector, a fee will be assessed, and the inspection must be rescheduled.
- An interior and exterior inspection will be conducted. Download the pre-inspection addendum.
- Shortly after the inspection is completed (1-2 weeks) you will receive a report that lists the necessary repairs.
- You have 60 days to complete all repairs, and one year to complete select exterior violations.
- If you wish to appeal any citations on the inspection report, fill out the Board of Housing Quality Appeals form.
Schedule a Reinspection (if necessary)
After making the necessary repairs, you will need to schedule a reinspection. At this time, you or an authorized individual must again accompany the inspector.
- Referring to the inspection report, the inspector will look at the repairs to the structure and determine if they meet code standards.
- If all items are not found in compliance during the initial reinspection, the property must be checked again until compliance is obtained.
- A $77 fee will be charged for each additional reinspection beyond the first reinspection.
If, during the reinspection, all items are found to be in compliance, the inspector will make a note in the file, and you will soon receive your bill for the permit/inspection fee. See the fees schedule.
- After payment is received, a rental occupancy permit for 3, 4, or 5 years will be issued.
Related Forms
Smoke Detector Compliance Form
Complaint form (if this form is not fillable when opened, please download it first)
Tenants and Owners Rights & Responsibilities (This form is no longer required by HAND, but landlords who wish to provide it to their tenants may continue to do so.)