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Page last updated on October 21, 2019 at 4:52 pm

For more information, please contact

Philippa Guthrie

Corporation Counsel

City of Bloomington


City Issues Notice of Violation and Fine for Demolition of Historic Property on Near West Side

Bloomington, Ind. - The City of Bloomington Planning and Transportation Department has issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) of the municipal zoning ordinance to the owners of the property at 523 West Seventh Street, for demolishing two structures at that location without having obtained a Certificate of Zoning Compliance (CZC). Prior to the demolition, the Bloomington Historic Preservation Commission had determined to recommend that the structures be designated as historic by the Common Council.  In letters sent Wednesday, October 16, the owners of the property, David Holdman and Judie Baker, have been notified that they are being assessed a civil penalty of $83,000 for the violation [Bloomington Municipal Code, Section 20.09.220].  

The structures -- a house and a garage -- were demolished on or around September 26, 2019 in the absence of a CZC, which must be issued prior to the demolition of any building, structure, or mobile home.  The penalty was assessed for each day that the violation continued without correction. Since the timeline for correcting the demolition is uncertain, the fine that accrued from the daily penalty was capped when the amount reached the value of the demolished improvements on the property as they were most recently assessed by the Monroe County Auditor.  

The owners of the property have been notified of their right to appeal the NOV to the City’s Board of Zoning Appeals within five days of the date of the notice.