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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on January 18, 2024 at 4:39 pm

For more information, please contact

Hank Duncan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, Planning and Transportation or 812-349-3529


City Invites Residents To Apply For 2024 Resident-Led Traffic Calming Program

The City of Bloomington 2024 Resident-Led Traffic Calming grant program is now open, empowering residents to actively contribute to the safety and well-being of their neighborhoods.


The program, part of the Traffic Calming and Greenways Program (TCGP), invites residents to collaborate with the City in managing motor vehicle traffic on residential streets. The focus is on implementing traffic calming measures such as speed cushions and speed humps to enhance road safety.


Residents interested in fostering positive change in their community are encouraged to apply for the program using the 2024 Resident-Led Traffic Calming Program guidelines.


Important Application Deadlines:

Letter of Intent: Friday, March 15, by 5:00 pm

Pre-Application Meeting: Friday, March 22, by 5:00 pm

All Application Materials: Friday, April 19, by 5:00 pm


The application review process is scheduled to take place between April and May, with the successful recipient set to be announced in June.


Through initiatives like the Resident-Led Traffic Calming program, the City of Bloomington strives to build a community where streets are designed for the well-being of all residents.


For more information and to apply, residents are encouraged to visit the Traffic Calming and Greenways Program Webpage or review the 2024 Resident-Led Traffic Calming Guidelines.