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Page last updated on July 11, 2024 at 1:18 pm

For more information, please contact

Bill Ream, Community Events Coordinator, Parks and Recreation or 812-349-3748

Fourth of July Parade Will Not Be Rescheduled

Bloomington, Ind.—After much deliberation and consideration of all scenarios, Bloomington Parks and Recreation and our partner, Downtown Bloomington Inc., have decided not to reschedule the Fourth of July Parade, which was cancelled due to weather on Thursday, July 4.

The safety of our participants and spectators is our utmost priority. The weather conditions that led to the cancellation were deemed too hazardous to proceed, and we are committed to ensuring that all our events are safe for everyone involved.

Rescheduling an event of this magnitude involves significant logistical challenges. Coordinating with participants, spectators, street closures, and security, as well as reallocating resources, presents complexities that, in this case, have made rescheduling impractical.

We understand the disappointment this decision may cause, and we share in your disappointment. We encourage our community to participate in other upcoming events and activities that we have planned throughout the year.

We remain dedicated to providing a variety of opportunities for celebration and community engagement. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and continued support. We look forward to celebrating together at future events.
