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Page last updated on August 7, 2024 at 8:49 am

For more information, please contact

Kriste Lindberg, Education Specialist, City of Bloomington Utilities or 812-349-3617


Desiree DeMolina, Communications Director, Office of the Mayor or 812-349-3406

City of Bloomington Utilities and Monroe County Community School Corporation Collaboration Receives Partnership Award

The City of Bloomington Utilities Department (CBU) and Monroe County Community School Corporation (MCCSC) were recognized for their collaboration on the Maker Challenge 2023-24 at the Indiana MS4 Partnership annual meeting in Plainfield in May. This year’s Maker Challenge focused on stormwater.


“The comprehensive and proactive Maker Challenge is a mutually beneficial collaboration that brings together city and county environmental protection goals,” said Kriste Lindberg, CBU’s Stormwater Education Specialist. “The program directly benefits our stormwater quality and quantity, raises awareness of our changing climate, and develops a sense of ownership within our community.  MCCSC has been a perfect partner in this endeavor.”


The Indiana MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) Partnership provides guidance and information for Indiana’s stormwater permittees, as per the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. During their meeting held on May 14, the Indiana MS4 Partnership presented staff with the Award of Excellence for Partnership-Special Event 2023-2024 for the 4th Grade Maker Challenge. All of MCCSC’s 4th grade classes participated in creating prototypes to help prevent pollution, flooding, and erosion and wrote to their elected officials about the importance of environmental protection. 


“MCCSC is proud to partner with the City of Bloomington in promoting environmental protections and sustainability,” said Markay L. Winston, Interim MCCSC Superintendent. “We are proud of our 4th graders and MCCSC staff for their innovative efforts and this impressive shared achievement.” 


For more information on the Maker Challenge, contact Andrew Woodard,


For more information on Bloomington’s stormwater, including other education and volunteer opportunities, visit