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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on September 7, 2021 at 2:53 pm

For more information, please contact

Shatoyia Moss, Community and Family Resources, Safe and Civil City Director,, 812-349-3559



The Challenge

Connecting young people to government early on promotes future civic engagement and leadership. However, there are few opportunities for youths to get involved and feel like they are having an impact. Most legislative action for youth is constructed and facilitated by adults; rarely do youth have the opportunity to decide programming for themselves. This structure effectively silences a critical population, leaving immense potential untapped and voices unheard.


The Idea

To reach this vital group of residents, the mayor proposed the Youth Participatory Budget (YPB). This unique program allows local middle and high school students to develop and vote on a project for the city. The budget was $15,000 set by the City Council for exclusive use by the YPB. The program allowed an 11-person youth-led steering team to work with 16 youth delegates to select and create their initiatives, engaging them in a microcosm of local government. 

Through their process, the group selected five ideas that were developed into proposals that were voted on by all youth in the city. The winning proposal? A living wall of moss art that will aid in promoting better air quality while also doubling as an eye-catching display of art. Installation of the moss art wall was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Shatoyia Moss, Safe and Civil City Director at the City of Bloomington, and Commissioners from the Commission on the Status of Children and Youth (CSCY)  facilitates the program and believes there is power in “giving youth a voice.” She has been amazed by the participant's participants dedication and talent.


The Cost

The City has allocated $15,000 for the project or projects selected by the youth. In addition to the project funds, there is a substantial amount of time spent by the Safe and Civil City Director, the CSCY Commissioners and all of the youth involved; the group met weekly from April to November of 2019 with additional work completed independent of the group meetings.


The Benefits

What are the impacts of the YPB program?

  • Civic engagement from the youth of Bloomington.

  • New and innovative projects that benefit the community.

  • A unique perspective on city government.

  • Developing interest in government for the next generation of leaders.

  • Cultivating vital communication and teamwork skills for youth.

  • Allowing the voice of youth to be expressed with purpose, weight, and meaning.



City Department(s): Community and Family Resources, Innovation

City Department Point(s) of Contact: Shatoyia Moss

Partner(s): Commission on the Status of Children and Youth

Partner Point(s) of Contact: 

Type of Innovation: Brand New Service 

Date Implemented: April 2019