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Page last updated on April 25, 2024 at 3:04 pm

If you believe your citation was issued in error, you have the option to appeal to the Office of the City Clerk within fourteen (14) calendar days (this includes weekends and holidays) from the date the citation was issued. Please keep in mind that submitting an appeal does not guarantee a dismissal of your citation.

You have two options for filing your appeal. You may appeal your citation in person at City Hall, 401 N Morton St, Bloomington, IN 47404. Office hours are Mon-Fri from 8am-5pm.  Your other option is to file an appeal online. You are required to create an account to file an online appeal. You may not appeal a citation over the phone or through email. 


To submit an appeal, you will need to provide:

  • Your full name and mailing address
  • Your telephone number and email, if available
  • Citation number and date issued
  • License plate number, including the state in which the vehicle is registered
  • Your parking permit number (if applicable)
  • Reason(s) for appeal


Appeal Tips

  • Describe the facts of the matter including: when, where, how, and/or why the incident occurred.
  • If extenuating circumstances are presented as cause for appeal, supporting documentation should be included (e.g., accident reports, auto repair bills).
  • Enclose a photograph, map or diagram of the parking space in question if you believe it will help the Office of the City Clerk understand the basis of your appeal.
  • Explain how your action did not constitute a violation by applying the parking regulation in question to the facts you have discussed.


The Process

When an appellant submits an appeal online, the appellant will receive a confirmation email. Once a citation is appealed, the due date for the fine is nullified. Once an appeal is submitted it can take 2-4 weeks to get the appeal result.

  • If the appeal is granted, the citation is dismissed and appellant will receive an email. No further action is necessary.
  • If the appeal is denied, the appellant will receive an email, and a letter in the mail, with a new due date for the fine. The fine must be paid by the new due date.


The decision is final, and a violation may not be re-appealed.


Appeal Guidelines

The Office of the City Clerk uses the following guidelines to reach a decision:

  • Understanding parking regulations is the responsibility of a motorized vehicle driver. Ignorance of the parking regulations is not a valid reason.
  • Your past parking record may be a factor in the decision.
  • Possession of a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space.
  • Parking permits must be displayed correctly to be considered valid.
  • The registered owner of the vehicle is ultimately responsible for the citation(s), regardless of who is driving the vehicle at the time of the violation.
  • Most city parking regulations can be found in Title 15 of the Bloomington Municipal Code. 


Rationales for Appeal - Appeals may be granted for these reasons:

  • There is substantial evidence that you did not commit the violation for which the citation was issued; or:
  • You may have committed the violation, but experienced extenuating circumstances; and:
  • Prior to being issued the citation, you made some demonstrable attempt to notify Parking Enforcement (such as a telephone call) of the situation; or:
  • You can produce written verification from a source who was a party to the situation establishing that the situation was so unusual it cannot reasonably occur again.
  • There may have been other extenuating circumstances that prevented you from avoiding a citation.
  • You paid with Parkmobile at the time you were cited but you paid under a different license plate or with a typo in your plate by accident.


Weak Rationales for Appeal - Appeals may not be granted for these reasons:

  • Lack of knowledge of the regulations
  • Forgetfulness
  • Parking for "just a short period"/"blinkers were on"/"parked for less than 5/10 minutes"
  • Inability to find an authorized parking space
  • Having the wrong permit for the space used
  • Failure to obtain a temporary permit
  • Failure to notice parking signs
  • Failure to properly display a parking permit
  • Disagreement with, or inability to pay, the fines
  • Other vehicles were parked improperly
  • Permission to park given by anyone other than an employee of the city of Bloomington parking services department
  • Late to class or appointment
  • This was the first citation received from the city
  • Was not given a warning first