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Page last updated on February 27, 2024 at 7:38 pm

The intent of local historic designation is to preserve the property in perpetuity. After a property is placed in the local register of historic districts, all exterior changes are reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission. This is to protect the property from inappropriate changes that harm its historic character. Even when an owner sells a designated property, it maintains its historic status. A designated property cannot be demolished without either the approval of the Historic Preservation Commission or by the owner proving that it cannot earn a reasonable return on its value.

How do I know if my property is in a local historic or conservation district?

Consult the City of Bloomington Historic Districts Map to see if a property is locally designated. Currently, there are no designated conservation districts in the City of Bloomington but information on past conservation districts can be found by following the local historic district tabs at the bottom of the page. For any questions regarding historic properties or local designations, please contact Gloria Colom Braña, Historic Preservation Manager for the City of Bloomington, at (812) 349-3507 or



So, my property is located in a local historic district. What now? 

If a property is located in one of the district on the Historic Districts Map or is listed in a local historic district on MyBloomington, any exterior alterations are subject to review by the Historic Preservation Commission through the Certificate of Appropriateness process.  A Certificate of Appropriateness application should be filled out identifying the scope of work and materials to be used. These applications can be picked up at the office of Housing and Neighborhood Development in Showers City Hall or downloaded from the Certificate of Appropriateness webpage. No fee is charged to file an application. A few photographs, plans, a map, and a description of the work are all you need. The complete application will be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled Historic Preservation Commission meeting. 


Certificates of Appropriateness


For more information on individual historic districts, please follow the tabs below where you can find district guidelines and boundary maps. 


What if my property is not located in a local historic or conservation district?

If a property is not located in a local historic district, it may still be a contributing structure on the Bloomington Historic Sites and Structures List. This list identifies properties that retain a certain degree of historic integrity and can potentially be included in a larger historic district if one were ever proposed. If a property is contributing but not in a district, any structural alterations may be subject to the demolition delay process. Please follow the link below to learn more about the demolition delay process and next steps. 

Demolition Delay


Local Historic Districts