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Page last updated on August 9, 2022 at 9:58 am

What is Bloomington's Living Wage?

It is the wage amount that the City of Bloomington believes is sufficient for a working family to meet basic needs in housing, child care, food, clothing, household items, transportation, health care and taxes.

• For 2022, the Living Wage is $14.01, of which up to $2.10 may be in the form of health insurance available to the covered employee. In 2023, it will be $15.29, of which $2.29 may be in the form of health insurance for the covered employee. 

• The Living Wage is less for tipped employees. In 2023, it will be $15.29 an hour, minus 10% of the annual sales of the employer prorated on an hourly basis per employee. 

If an employee files a complaint under the Living Wage Ordinance, what will the City do?

The City will investigate the complaint and make a finding of compliance or noncompliance. Before ordering any penalty, the City will give the employer notice. The employer will have the right to dispute a finding of noncompliance by requesting a hearing.

If the employer is found to not be complying with the LWO, the employer will be required to correct the violation and pay retroactive wages within 15 days (unless an extension of time is granted). If this is not done, the City has the right to freeze the assistance, terminate the assistance and/or declare the employer ineligible for future city assistance for three years or until the employer has paid all the required restitution, whichever is longer.

Will all businesses in Bloomington be required to pay the Living Wage?

The LWO applies only to the City of Bloomington, City service contractors and subcontractors, and beneficiaries of a City grant, tax abatement or other forms of subsidies or assistance. Further, certain other conditions - conditions which take into account the full dollar value of the contract or subsidy, the type of service rendered, and the number of employees involved - must also be met to trigger the LWO. If you have questions about whether the LWO applies to your organization, email or call 812-349-3429.

Does the Living Wage include the cost of health benefits?

Yes. The LWO allows for up to 15% of the living wage to be in the form of the employer's contribution to the employee's health care, regardless of whether the employee elects to participate in the employer's health plan.

Will the Living Wage adjust with inflation?

Yes. At the beginning of each calendar year, the Living Wage will increase by the same percentage increase as the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, as assessed the previous June 30.

When did the Living Wage Ordinance go into effect?

Beginning January 1, 2006, except for not-for-profit organizations. Not-for-profit organizations are afforded a phase-in period, which begins with the first year they receive at least a $25,000 subsidy from the City of Bloomington. During this two-year period, the not-for-profit organization must take steps to reduce the gap between its wages and the Living Wage by 15% in the first year, and by 35% in the second year.

May I read the Living Wage Ordinance online?

Yes. You can read all of Bloomington's Municipal Code online. Read the Living Wage Ordinance here: Bloomington Municipal Code Chapter 2.28.

What are some exceptions to the Living Wage Ordinance?

Some employees are not covered by the Living Wage Ordinance. In most cases, part-time and seasonal employees under 18 years of age, students in work-study or internship programs, unpaid volunteers, and trainees undergoing a six-month or less training program are not covered by the LWO. Additionally, those employed through a governmentally funded vocational rehabilitation program or under common construction wage laws are not covered by the LWO. Finally, those exempted under Section 14(c) of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act due to their disabilities are also not covered under the LWO.