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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on June 21, 2024 at 1:01 pm

Local government must lead in envisioning and creating a thriving community, identified by the health of its environment, the vitality of its economy, and the equity among its citizens. Creating such a community requires cooperative participation from both the public and private sectors. This section describes the City's business and sustainability approach and the resulting economic development initiatives and business incentives.


COVID-19 Resources for Bloomington Businesses:

The City of Bloomington is implementing specific programs to stabilize local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. This list will continue to evolve. The following are the existing programs:

  • Bloomington Outdoor Dining Programs
    Bloomington Common Council voted to approve Ordinance 22-01 to facilitate the Outdoor Dining Program from April through November 2024. Applications for the parklet programs can be found here. Please email with questions.
  • Rapid Response Loan Fund (COVID-19 response): The Rapid Response Fund was created to provide immediate working capital for small businesses and cultural organizations while waiting for other funding relief. The loans of up to $50,000 each comprise $2 million of the City’s share of Food and Beverage Tax funds, approved for expenditure by the Bloomington Common Council, and $350,000 from the Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association.  For a list of entities that have received Rapid Respond Fund loans, please see here - List of Entities 

    If you are receiving funding or previously received funding, email with questions.


Technical assistance for Businesses:

  • The Indiana Small Business Development Center provides technical assistance for employers on Small Business Administration loans and other small business sustainability needs.
  • The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce has various resources and guidance available regarding COVID-19, reopening from financial and HR to a PPE Marketplace, and community opportunities for donations.
  • The Dimension Mill provides start-ups and entrepreneurs information on how to navigate available resources.


About the Economic Stabilization & Recovery Working Group: Convened by Mayor John Hamilton on March 23, 2020 to oversee the City’s response to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Economic Stabilization & Recovery Working Group included representatives of City and County government, the City’s Department of Economic and Sustainable Development, the Bloomington Economic Development Corporation, the Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce, Dimension Mill, Inc., and CFDI Friendly Bloomington.  The working group presented its first report of rapid response recommendations to the City Council’s Sustainable Development Committee on March 31, 2020. The third draft of the report, published April 6, 2020 identified local economic impacts, business needs, resources and gaps, and established a mechanism for providing local government funding relief, wraparound services, and facilitating community partnerships.