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Page last updated on August 29, 2024 at 10:34 am

Housing and Neighborhood Development Department (HAND)

The Housing and Neighborhood Development department strives to enhance the quality of life for Bloomington residents by developing programs, services and partnerships with public and private organizations to preserve community character, promote affordable housing and neighborhood vitality. It is also responsible, according to statute, for the redevelopment of blighted areas within the city. 

Services include



Near West Side Walking Tour

Please meet in the atrium at City Hall promptly at 6:00 p.m. 

From City Hall we will walk to W 6th St and N Rogers St, where we will enter the Near Westside Neighborhood. We will stop at six locations along the way, where HAND staff will discuss specific programs and services performed by the department We will make our way back to City Hall via the B-Line Trail from the north.



NWS map displaying walking tour route



















Near West Side Tour Guides


Anna Killion-Hanson



Christina Finley

Assistant Director


Noah Sandweiss

Historic Preservation Program Manager


Cody Toothman

Housing Program Manager


Angela Van Rooy

Neighborhood Services Program Manager


Mike Arnold

Neighborhood Compliance Officer & Rental Inspector


Rebecca Davis

Neighborhood Compliance Officer & Rental Inspector


Jo Stong

Neighborhood Compliance Officer & Rental Inspector





Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND)

HAND Facebook

Neighborhood Services Facebook

Help for Homeowners & Renters Infographic

Essential Information for Renters Brochure

Welcome to Bloomington--one-stop webpage for residential services


Near West Side Neighborhood Association