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Page last updated on October 5, 2022 at 3:51 pm

City Solar Installations

In 2017, the City launched an effort to diversify the energy supply at its own facilities with an over $13 million investment in solar panels at 34 municipal locations across Bloomington. The City of Bloomington supports increasing renewable generation to reduce the City's operational costs and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.  

Online solar dashboard now available! View current and past renewable electricity generation for City of Bloomington solar installations.

Bloomington Designated “SolSmart Gold” for Advancing Solar Energy Growth

In 2022, Bloomington received a Gold designation from the national SolSmart program ( for advancing the growth of solar energy across Bloomington. This designation recognizes the City of Bloomington for taking steps that make it faster, easier, and more affordable for local homes and businesses to go solar by increasing education and awareness of solar energy. Achievement of the SolSmart Gold designation is a goal of both Bloomington’s Climate and Sustainability Action Plans.

Solar Contractors

To receive a solar estimate or quote, please contact any of the following solar companies serving Bloomington and Monroe County: 

Add a company to this list by contacting

Solar Financing

Learn more about additional tax incentives and financing options by visiting the links below: 

Permitting for Solar 

Permitting Steps for Ground-Mounted Solar Installations Within Bloomington City Limits

Step 1: Installer/ property owner must complete application for electrical permit at County Building Department

  • County electrical permit application - $50
  • Site plan is required from the system installer
  • Licensed electrician must sign off on the electrical permit application
  • No additional county permits required 

Step 2: County Planning receives from County Building Department the electrical permit application and site plan for review 

  • Planning Department reviews site plan and conducts remote site visit with geographic information system (GIS)
  • Planning Department appends an Improvement Location Permit (ILP)
    • Note: ILP is not an additional permit but rather an approval attached to the electrical permit

Step 3: County Building Department issues electrical permit with ILP approval

  • Permitting process involving County Building Department and County Planning Department takes about one week

Step 4: Bloomington City Planning & Transportation receive from County Building the site plan and permit with Improvement Location Permit for review

Step 5: City Planning & Transportation reviews the site plan for compliance with zoning regulations 

  • City Planning & Transportation issues a Certificate of Zoning Compliance if the project meets the required standards. (e.g. setbacks, impervious surface coverage, etc.)

Historic Preservation (if applicable)

Step 6: City Planning & Transportation forwards site plans for photovoltaic installations to the Historic Preservation Program in Bloomington Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) if property is found to be in a historic district 

Step 6a: Property owner is responsible for verifying whether their property is in a historic district

Step 7: The Historic Preservation Commission reviews application at the next regularly scheduled Historic Preservation Committee meeting.

  • If application for the COA is successful, the COA is issued and should be displayed in window of home while work is in progress 


Permitting Steps for Rooftop Solar Installations Within Bloomington City Limits

Step 1: Installer/property owner must complete application for electrical permit at County Building Department

  • County electrical permit application - $50
  • No site plan is required for rooftop installs
  • Licensed electrician must sign off on the electrical permit application
  • No additional county permits required 

Step 2: County Building Department reviews electrical permit application

  • County Planning does not review project or site plan for rooftop projects within city limits
  • Outside of Bloomington city limits, a waiver is required from County Planning (no charge) to ensure that the rooftop installation complies with height restrictions

Step 3: County Building Department issues electrical permit

  • Permits are usually issued same day over the counter

Note Regarding City Planning: City of Bloomington Planning & Transportation (P&T) does not issue Certificate of Zoning Compliance for rooftop installations, but Planning & Transportation will advise homeowners on compliance with zoning restrictions if requested. 

Historic Preservation (if applicable)

Step 4: Property owner is responsible for verifying whether their home is in a historic district

  • the My Bloomington resource can be used to determine whether home is in a historic district

Step 5: The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) reviews application at the next regularly scheduled HPC meeting.

  • If application for the COA is successful, the COA is issued and should be displayed in window while work is in progress 


Monroe County Building Department
Showers Building North
501 N Morton St, Suite 220 
Bloomington, IN 47404
Phone: (812) 349-2580


Monroe County Planning Department
Showers Building North
501 N Morton St, Suite 224
Bloomington, IN 47404
Phone: (812) 349-2560

City of Bloomington Planning and Transportation
401 N Morton St, Suite 130
Bloomington, IN 47408
Phone: (812) 349-3423


Historic Preservation Program
401 N Morton St
Suite 130
Bloomington IN 47404
Phone: (812) 349-3420