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Page last updated on July 16, 2024 at 12:00 pm

Stormwater Management Ordinance (Title 13)

The City of Bloomington MS4 was tasked with updating its stormwater ordinance by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). Updates to the ordinance were required to be done no later than July 1, 2024. 

In the past, the wastewater ordinance (Title 10 of the Bloomington Municipal Code or BMC) also contained stormwater regulations. When work on updating the stormwater ordinance began, it became clear that stormwater regulation should be contained in its own chapter of the BMC. This is how Title 13 came about. 

Title 13 was reviewed and discussed by both internal and external stakeholders before it was subsequently reviewed multiple times by the Utilities Service Board (USB). After the USB voted to forward Title 13 on to City Council early in 2024, City Council heard Title 13 and voted to approve it in May of 2024. The ordinance was then signed by the mayor in May of 2024. Title 13 took effect on July 1, 2024.


Title 13 - Stormwater

To view the stormwater management ordinance in MuniCode.


Stormwater Design Manual (Draft 1)

The Stormwater Design Manual is a technical, administrative document that supports the Stormwater Management Ordinance (Title 13). An update to City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU's) Stormwater Design Manual has been underway for the past several months. Above is the first draft that has been shared externally for comment.


Stormwater Design Manual Comments

The comment document is the mechanism by which CBU will receive comments regarding the Design Manual. Comments must be submitted on or before end-of-day on July 11, 2024 via email to Any comments submitted after the deadline or in a format other than the comment spreadsheet above will not be taken into consideration.


Stormwater Fees

Title 13 has created a Stormwater Management Permit. The fees associated with this permit, as well as fees tied to inspections and closeout, are contained with the stormwater fee table. This fee table was included in CBU's Rules and Regulations administrative document by a vote of the USB which took place on July 1, 2024.


Stormwater Management Permit Application

This application must be submitted when requesting plan review for a project which is required to obtain a Stormwater Management Permit.