
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (168)

closed #151344

Sewer Problems (Storm Sewers)

1000 S High ST

Case Date:

I have traveled High Street between Arden Rd. and 3rd Street twice a day for the last ten years. Every time there is a heavy rain, water accumulates and flows down High Street between E. Mores Pike and 2nd St. forcing me to move to the other lane to avoid going through large amounts of water creating a very unsafe situation. I was delighted to see this section of High Street repaved last summer and noticed the sewers also being worked on. I assumed, incorrectly, that the runoff problem would be corrected during this maintenance project. Since the paving the runoff has actually gotten worse. Are there plans to fix this unsafe situation so cars can travel safely on High Street without endangering drivers and pedestrians? I regularly see in the Herald Times where is city is allocating and spending money on hiking and biking trails, sidewalks and various pedestrian conveniences. Why don’t we spend some of that money on making our streets safe and passable? Looking forward to your reply, Franklin Lograsso Bloomington cc: David Rollo

closed #183730

Drainage or Runoff

101 S Union ST

Case Date:

Cone and blocks are still in the storm drain on the north side of the house. This will cause pooling of water when it rains.

closed #164062

Drainage or Runoff

1011 S High ST

Case Date:

Ms McGough called last week and asked for any document we have for storm water work we have performed near her house to help resolve ongoing drainage complaints.

closed #136196

Drainage or Runoff

1016 S Highland AVE

Case Date:

Christine emailed the following: I am writing to ask if you could give me an update on what is being done about the storm water management around my property. Spring is coming soon and we inevitably get hit with a lot of rain and runoff.

closed #176322

Drainage or Runoff

102 S Waldron ST

Case Date:

Hello - I am the homeowner at 102 South Waldron St. here in Bloomington. This past Friday my basement flooded an excessive amount (3 feet) due to water buildup on Waldron Street. This has happened 4 times over the past 6 years I have lived here because the water has nowhere to go due to the flat area at the bottom of Waldron Street. I am requesting a storm drain be installed on Waldron Street just North of my house and in front of 100 South Waldron Street. My neighbors basement has also been severely flooded over the years due to water buildup from the street - the homeowners name is Simon Ladd. We both have sub pumps in our basements (I actually have 2) and it still doesn’t solve the flooding issue. I have spoken to Mr. Ladd and we both agree the best solution is for the city to install a storm drain. My number is 812-369-0765. I would love to meet with someone from engineering regarding this issue and show them exactly what’s going on with the water. Thank you, -Kyle Spears

open #179541

Drainage or Runoff

102 S Waldron ST

Case Date:

I am requesting a ditch or pipe be installed in the wooded easement south of my property that will move the water out to the storm drain that was recently installed last year on Waldron Street in front my house. On April 13th of this year, we received a lot of rain in just a couple hours and I noticed most of the water was coming from the wooded easement South of my house and running down into my yard, pooling up and overflowing down near my basement (where i've had flooding from the street runoff in years past). Phil Peden is who I've talked to in the past. Hoping this can be resolved before we get more rain this Spring. Thank you, -Kyle Spears Homeowner of 102 South Waldron St. 812-369-0765

open #179531

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1022 S Grant ST

Case Date:

Our alley way floods when there are heavy floods. The neighbors who share this alley are concerned and ask for the city to assess this situation and find a solution. Please contact me for more information. One of the neighbors has a video to share of the water flow. Thanks

closed #179532

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1022 S Grant ST

Case Date:

Our alley way floods when there are heavy floods. The neighbors who share this alley are concerned and ask for the city to assess this situation and find a solution. Please contact me for more information. One of the neighbors has a video to share of the water flow. Thanks

closed #137019

Drainage or Runoff

1025 E Maxwell LN

Case Date:

Rick Alexander forwarded a voice message to me from Ms Anderson. She said they have a situation with their neighbor, his back yard joins their back yard, and he has rigged a pipe that collects water from his gutters and is going into their yard. It's coming into their back yard and she want to know if he can do that.

open #179964

Sewer Problems (Storm Sewers)

1036 W 6th ST

Case Date:

All the storm water runoff from the White Oak Cemetery basin, during very hard rains, cannot be handled by the 4-storm drains near the intersection of 7th and Oak Streets. The excess is diverted through the gravel parking of our neighbor at 1025 W 7th, washing the gravel onto the street. The storm water then turns and washes through the alley between 6th & 7th Streets. It then goes through our carport and yard washing our mulch away in places. Oak street was paved in the past and is higher than the storm drain at 7th and Oak so any excess water has do go through the gravel parking instead of down the street. I would be happy to meet someone to look at this problem. Thanks.