Debris Removal (Sand, General Street Debris)
- Case Date:
- 5/22/2019
The sidewalk south of Taylor Ct along Olcott Blvd has about a 1" of sediment on it and needs cleared. There was some ponding occurring on the sidewalk but we shoveled a channel through the tree plot to release the water to the inlet in low point of the road.
Drainage or Runoff
807 S Park AVE
- Case Date:
- 4/17/2018
I received the following email:
Last year, you helped me and my neighbors deal with some of the water runoff plaguing our yards by installing a new storm sewer manhole. At the time, you mentioned the possibility of adding another slotted drain higher up on the alley to deal with the water that comes down the alley and into my yard. Do you think this is a possibility in the near future?
In April, my backyard again was badly flooded with water coming in two streams: down the alley and from Woodlawn. BoI have discussed with Thrasher Landscaping possible remedies. They would involve adding pipes that would attach to the city pipes in my front yard. I am contacting you to see if this is possible. We need to be careful to aid damaging the existing city pipes that run through my side yard.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks again for the help you provided last summer.
Drainage or Runoff
1011 S High ST
- Case Date:
- 4/16/2018
Ms McGough called last week and asked for any document we have for storm water work we have performed near her house to help resolve ongoing drainage complaints.
- Case Date:
- 7/7/2016
Citizen (Mark Land) apparently contacted Utilities before but was not satisfied with the response-- he missed a water payment because he was on vacation and is upset that the situation cannot immediately be fixed. He already paid the past due balance, but water was shut off. He was told it could be turned back on by 6 or by tomorrow, and he just wants it on sooner rather than later. Call (812) 272-1500. The water is in his wife's name (Theresa Spano)
Debris Removal (Sand, General Street Debris)
- Case Date:
- 6/28/2016
Alison Donway (812-822-1599)requested that the south side of the intersection of Highland and 2nd St be swept. It holds water and dirt, sand, and debris piles up in this area.
Drainage or Runoff
1400 S Pickwick PL
- Case Date:
- 4/28/2015
Ms Adams left a voice message saying some work was done with the drainage ditches on her street this morning in the neighbor's ditch and also some asphalt paving was done right in front of her driveway and it's going to move a lot of water down her drive. She wants to get another drainage grate or a culvert or something at the corner of Pickwick. She said her property and the property next to her have spent thousands of dollars to manage the water that comes through their property and the city has been using their properties as drainage. The work they did on the street is going to put tons of water to the drain in front of their garage but it won't handle it all now. She is petitioning to see what they can do to get a storm grate put in.
- Case Date:
- 6/10/2014
Mr. Gary Verostko of 1015 S. Ballantine called concerning standing water behind Deer Park near Highland Ave and Tarzian Lane. He stated that the mosquitoes were as bad as he has ever seen in Bloomington.
Drainage or Runoff
200 E 20th ST
- Case Date:
- 4/7/2014
water is coming down the curb line and then turning down the driveway and causing water damage on the property.
Drainage or Runoff
2737 E Brigs BND
- Case Date:
- 10/30/2013
I received an email from Ms. Henderson stating the following:
"Hi Jane. I want to post you on the condition of the storm water drain beehive in the City's drainage easement within the Brigs Bend cul de sac in Hyde Park.
Specifically, I want to bring to your attention to the erosion around the beehive at the northeast corner of the two lots you looked at last year (2712 Olcott and 2737 E. Brigs Bend). On September 10, we had another heavy rain that created a flash flood in our back yard, flooding nearly up to our deck and again flooding Ginny Field’s storage unit under the house (the debris line on her door was just below the 25" mark, the highest level we’ve seen the water rise to).
As you can see from the attached photos, the ground around the beehive is cratering as a result of the water erosion. This area is of increasing concern with regard to the potential hazard it presents to children, landscapers, and others who go near.
Would you be able to take a look at it and advise?
Also, could you please take a look at two small but growing holes (and a third depressed area that seems to be sinking) in the south corner of our lots near the tall, narrow green cable box. We are concerned that the this may be indicative of soil washing out along the storm water drain line. Again, your advice is appreciated."
- Case Date:
- 9/20/2013
Recv'd request to check out the existing water service at 910 N Madison St. Property owner, Chris Sims, explained that the road was raised awhile back and now the meter sets much lower than the current street elevation. He plans to build a new 2-bdrm home soon on this lot and wants the meter raised to meet the elevation of the new home & the street. He requests that CBU evaluate his request and call him back at 812-327-6290 to advise him whether work needs to be completed before he begins to bring in additional fill for the lot.
I also mentioned to him that he will need to complete updated new service forms to ensure that the existing service will be sufficient for the new home. While CBU is on-site, please verify the status of the existing service...will it need to be updated/changed out, or is it adequate for the new home going in?