
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Resolution 19-04 (Adopted) download

To Confirm Resolution 19-03 Extending the Period of Designation of an Economic Revitalization Area, Approving the Statements of Benefits, and Authorizing Periods of Abatement for Real and Personal Property Improvements - Re: Property at 1300 S. Patterson Drive (Catalent Indiana, LLC, Petitioner)

Ordinance 19-04 (Adopted) download

A Ordinance to Amend Title 8 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Entitled "Historic Preservation and Protection" to Establish a Historic District - Re: 1175 S. Smith Road Historic District (The Harvey-Nelson House) (James and Sally Harvey, Petitioner)

Appropriation Ordinance 19-03 (Adopted) download

To Specially Appropriate From The Food and Beverage Tax Fund Expenditures Related to The Convention Center Expansion, and Making a Standing Request for Recommendations From The Food and Beverage Tax Advisory Commission as Future Needs For Those Expenditures Arise

Resolution 19-03 (Adopted) download

To Extend the Designation of an Economic Revitalization Area, Approve the Statements of Benefits, and Authorize A Period of Abatement for Real and Personal Property Improvements – Re: Properties at 1300 S Patterson Drive (Catalent Indiana, LLC, Petitioner)

Ordinance 19-03 (Adopted) download

An Ordinance to Amend Title 8 of the Bloomington Municipal Code, Entitled "Historic Preservation and Protection" to Establish a Historic District - Re: The Maple Heights Conversation District (Maple Heights Neighborhood Association, Petitioner)

Appropriation Ordinance 19-02 (Adopted) download

To Specially Appropriate from the General Fund, Parks General Fund, Local Road & Street Fund, Motor Vehicle Highway Fund, Risk Management Fund, Housing Development Fund, and Vehicle Replacement Fund Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated (Appropriating a Portion of the Amount of Funds Reverted to Various City Funds at the End of 2018 for Unmet Needs in 2019)

Ordinance 19-01 (Adopted) download

An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance 18-18, Which Fixed the Salaries of Appointed Officers, Non-Union, and A.F.S.C.M.E. Employees for All the Departments of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana For the Year 2019 – Re: To Reflect Changes Due to the Execution of a Work Agreement between the City of Bloomington and Local 2487 CBME, A.F.S.C. M.E. and also Changes Affecting Three Additional Job Titles