Drainage or Runoff
1807 S Highland AVE
- Case Date:
- 12/19/2013
Ms. Murzyn said they got water into the back of their building during several rain events this summer. She said they had a landscaper do some work but he said the city needs to put a curb on Covey Lane to keep the water from coming off the road.
Drainage or Runoff
2416 S Woolery Mill DR
- Case Date:
- 7/27/2017
She represents the Woolery Mills HOA. Indicated the resident at 2416 Woolery Mill Dr had water in their crawlspace last weekend. They checked and found a drain not functioning and didn't know if it was City responsibility. She emailed pictures.
Drainage or Runoff
1011 S High ST
- Case Date:
- 4/16/2018
Ms McGough called last week and asked for any document we have for storm water work we have performed near her house to help resolve ongoing drainage complaints.
Drainage or Runoff
828 S Woodlawn AVE
- Case Date:
- 3/27/2015
Mr Richie left a voice message on 3/25/15 saying that in heavy rains, water rushes down Wylie and across Woodlawn and down his drive. At times it has gone into the basement. He said he is going to have his drive paved this year and he wants to know if a drain could be put in that would connect to the drain he says runs down the center of his drive.
Drainage or Runoff
1400 S Pickwick PL
- Case Date:
- 4/28/2015
Ms Adams left a voice message saying some work was done with the drainage ditches on her street this morning in the neighbor's ditch and also some asphalt paving was done right in front of her driveway and it's going to move a lot of water down her drive. She wants to get another drainage grate or a culvert or something at the corner of Pickwick. She said her property and the property next to her have spent thousands of dollars to manage the water that comes through their property and the city has been using their properties as drainage. The work they did on the street is going to put tons of water to the drain in front of their garage but it won't handle it all now. She is petitioning to see what they can do to get a storm grate put in.
Drainage or Runoff
1322 S Winfield RD
- Case Date:
- 11/18/2015
She called Roy Aten first and he forwarded it to me. She is concerned about water ponding in her drive and out into the street since the City put the curb in on Winfield.
Drainage or Runoff
515 S Walnut ST
- Case Date:
- 3/1/2016
Ty left me a voice message indicating they were still having problems with water entering their building in the back alley and believed the Jordan Culvert reconstruction project from a few years ago was the cause.
Drainage or Runoff
1106 S Washington ST
- Case Date:
- 1/22/2014
He left a voice mail message asking for information about the existing storm infrastructure near this address. When we receive heavy rains, the basement has water issues and they are considering a sump pump but need to know what it could tie into.
Drainage or Runoff
913 S Timothy CT
- Case Date:
- 3/18/2014
There is an inordinate amount of water that comes off 2nd St in a big drain pipe and into the backyards. Her neighbor enclosed a drainage swale and the pipe is not deep enough and now pushes water onto a different location on her property. She said a guy from the City came out before and said what her neighbor did on his property was wrong and changed things. She has hired a contractor to try and fix her property so it doesn't go in her crawl space but wants the city to look at it because she isn't sure she can do these things and isn't sure she is responsible.
Drainage or Runoff
1025 E Maxwell LN
- Case Date:
- 4/3/2014
Rick Alexander forwarded a voice message to me from Ms Anderson. She said they have a situation with their neighbor, his back yard joins their back yard, and he has rigged a pipe that collects water from his gutters and is going into their yard. It's coming into their back yard and she want to know if he can do that.