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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on April 15, 2021 at 9:00 pm

For information on the Public Hearing Drafts and the 2/12/2021 notice items please access this page:


Below is information on the draft October 2020 proposal. 

The Planning and Transportation Department is beginning the final step in the update to the Unified Development Ordinance and Zoning Map. The process seeks to further align the land use regulations of the City with the goals and values of the Comprehensive Plan. The framework created by the Comprehensive Plan supports regulations that increase equity and quality of life; encourage sustainable and resilient development; and address existing challenges faced by Bloomington residents including a lack of housing supply and diversity.

The Department has prepared a public outreach draft map and text amendments and is seeking comment and questions related to the drafts. This webpage is intended to serve two purposes. It is to provide information to the public related to the map draft and text amendments and to provide responses to questions raised during public outreach. It is also intended to provide a venue for submitting feedback.


Proposed Zoning Changes Story Map: Click here for a synopsis of all of the proposed zoning district changes.

Proposed Housing Diversity Story Map: Click here for a synopsis of where and how 'plexes' are proposed to be allowed.

Proposed (MS) Mixed-Use Student Housing District Story Map: Click here for a synopsis of the proposed locations of the MS zoning district. 

Proposed (PUD) Planned Unit Development Rezones Story Map: Click here for a synopsis of the proposed PUD Rezones.

Proposed R4 and Plex Discussion Story Map: Click here for a synopsis of the proposed location of the R4 zoning district and plex discussion

Proposed Additional Text Amendments Slides: Click here for the slides discussing currently proposed additional text amendments.

Interactive Map: **Interactive Map as Amended by Plan Commission 04/05** Click here to enter your address and find your existing and proposed zoning district.

PDF Map: Click here for a static and printable pdf version of the map.

Zoom Meeting Presentations: October 27 General Overview Meeting; October 29 MS Zoning Meeting; November 10 PUD Meeting; November 12 R4/Plex Meeting; November 16 R4/Plex Meeting; November 17 Other Text Meeting

Responses to Consolidated Questions: Click here for consolidated responses to submitted Zoom chat questions.


Click here for APA Housing Policy Guide. (The American Planning Association's guide that "identifies policy solutions for planners and local, state, and federal elected officials that address dire housing challenges — including accessibility, affordability, and availability".)

Click here for Bloomington Housing Study.

Click here for current Unified Development Ordinance.


Feedback Form: Form is now closed (on 2/11/2021) for the Public Outreach Draft related to the PUD proposal, proposed R4 district mapping, proposed plex amendment, other proposed text amendments, and general feedback.

Feedback Form Responses: Click here for first form responses. Click here for MS form responses. Click here for final general form responses.

Correspondence Received: Click here to view correspondence received directly by City staff.

Public Meetings: Thank you for your participation! Public meetings for this outreach initiative ended on November 17th to avoid the remainder of the holiday season. No additional meetings will be scheduled until January 2021 at the earliest. If you have additional feedback, please fill out the form above.

Public Meeting Notice: October 27 and 29 meetings; November 10 and 12 meetings; November 16 and 17 meetings

Council Constituent Meetings: Contact your Councilperson to find out when he or she is hosting a staff person at a constituent meeting.

Neighborhood Association Meetings: Contact your Neighborhood Association to find out when it is hosting a staff person at a meeting.