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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on March 6, 2024 at 11:45 am

What is a Neighborhood Greenway?

Neighborhood Greenways are low-speed, low-volume, shared-space streets that support high comfort walking and bicycling connections. Our 2019 Transportation Plan designates several City streets for the design and installation of Neighborhood Greenway facilities as part of the Priority Bicycle Facilities Network. To design and install Neighborhood Greenways, the City follows the Staff-led Traffic Calming and Neighborhood Greenways process. 

What should I expect?

Neighborhood Greenways are an important component of the community’s plans to support an improved quality of life and connectivity. Past Neighborhood Greenway projects have shown an increase in the number of people walking, rolling, and bicycling in the area.

Residents may still park and drive on the Neighborhood Greenway. Traffic calming devices such as speed bumps and bump outs reduce the likelihood that drivers will speed on these streets.

More information on the Traffic Calming and Greenways process.


Project Timeline

1. Informational Neighborhood Letter

Note: Letters were mailed to residents within 300ft of the project

2. Neighborhood Greenway Survey Completed

3. First Public Meeting: Project Scope and Objectives - Wednesday, May 10 at 5:30pm at Park Ridge East Park shelter

4. Second Public Meeting: Design Review and Feedback - Wednesday, August 2 at 5:30pm at Park Ridge East Park shelter

Note: Rain Date is scheduled for Thursday, August 3 at 5:30pm

5. Open Comment Period

6. Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission Review: Monday, September 11 at 5:30pm

7. Construction is expected to begin in mid-March


Project Documents

(Disclaimer; all documents are for reference only. Official documents are located on OpenGov.)

Bid and Award Information


Bid Results 12/15/2023

E&B Paving LLC         $368,905.00 - Awarded


For More Information

Hank Duncan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, at or (812) 349-3529

Zac Rogers, Project Manager, Engineering Dept., 812.349.3913 or