closed #164062
Drainage or Runoff
1011 S High ST
- Case Date:
- 4/16/2018
Ms McGough called last week and asked for any document we have for storm water work we have performed near her house to help resolve ongoing drainage complaints.
Ms McGough called last week and asked for any document we have for storm water work we have performed near her house to help resolve ongoing drainage complaints.
Rick Alexander forwarded a voice message to me from Ms Anderson. She said they have a situation with their neighbor, his back yard joins their back yard, and he has rigged a pipe that collects water from his gutters and is going into their yard. It's coming into their back yard and she want to know if he can do that.
He left a voice mail message asking for information about the existing storm infrastructure near this address. When we receive heavy rains, the basement has water issues and they are considering a sump pump but need to know what it could tie into.
Kathy Curry left a voice message for me on 10/2/14 saying she has concerns about the drainage system going through her yard and how it's retaining water. She wants to make an appointment to discuss it.
Outside her complex, on the western side of the building, the parking area has potholes, so they flood after it rains. She suggested the area be trenched and a drain installed so the water does no continue to pool. Whatever the solution, she would be appreciative if it could be fixed!
Mr Foster left a voice message yesterday. He said it has to do with a manifestation of water in his basement/crawl space. It is not coming in from the walls and it comes and goes. He had his water lines changed thinking that was the problem but still occurs. The area becomes muddy and now there's some mold as well. He wants advice on what he can do.
Mr Kroener left a voice message yesterday indicating he owns the properties at 1306 and 1308 N Maple and they have a water problem. Runoff from the other development on the west side of the street crosses the street and floods their parking lot. He would like to make an appointment for me to come look at it.
She called Roy Aten first and he forwarded it to me. She is concerned about water ponding in her drive and out into the street since the City put the curb in on Winfield.
Ms Adams left a voice message saying some work was done with the drainage ditches on her street this morning in the neighbor's ditch and also some asphalt paving was done right in front of her driveway and it's going to move a lot of water down her drive. She wants to get another drainage grate or a culvert or something at the corner of Pickwick. She said her property and the property next to her have spent thousands of dollars to manage the water that comes through their property and the city has been using their properties as drainage. The work they did on the street is going to put tons of water to the drain in front of their garage but it won't handle it all now. She is petitioning to see what they can do to get a storm grate put in.
Ms. Murzyn said they got water into the back of their building during several rain events this summer. She said they had a landscaper do some work but he said the city needs to put a curb on Covey Lane to keep the water from coming off the road.