Page last updated on June 17, 2024 at 9:40 am
About the Jack Hopkins Committee
Started by, and named after, former Councilmember Jack Hopkins, this funding program began in 1993. Since its inception, the Bloomington Common Council and Mayor have provided over $6.2 million to social services agencies for projects that have made a difference in the lives of City residents in need. The Committee is composed of four members of the Common Council and three City residents with experience in social services.
The 2024 Committee:
- Councilmember Isak Nti Asare (Chair)
- Councilmember Hopi Stosberg
- Councilmember Andy Ruff
- Councilmember Courtney Daily
- Resident - Eddy Riou
- Resident - Camryn Greer
- Resident - Nordia McNish
The Jack Hopkins Social Services Grant Program 2024 Application Period is now CLOSED.
The City of Bloomington Common Council’s Jack Hopkins Social Services Committee invited social service agencies serving the needs of City of Bloomington residents to apply for 2024 grant funding. This year, the Committee has $350,000 to distribute, along with past unused funding. The Committee prioritizes projects and programs where investments will have positive, long-term effects such as alleviating the effects of poverty, reducing susceptibility to disease, decreasing absences from school, reducing lost time from work, etc.
Solicitation Letter and Guidelines (Please read)
2024 Application
2024 Application Summary
2024 Project Budget Template
Elaboration of Criteria (Please read)
An Example of a Well-Written Grant Application
The program should address an identified priority for social services funds (as indicated in the Service Community Assessment of Needs (SCAN), the City of Bloomington Housing and Neighborhood Development Department's Consolidated Plan, or other community-wide survey of social service needs).
This investment in the program should lead to broad and long lasting benefits to the community. In the words of Jack Hopkins, “Priority should be given to projects or programs where investments now will have a positive, long-term spillover effect."
The Common Council prioritizes programs that provide food, housing, healthcare, or other services to city residents who are of low or moderate income, under 18 years old, elderly, affected with a disability or are otherwise disadvantaged.
- City Residency - Programs must primarily serve City residents. Individual programs have occasionally been located outside of the City but, in that case, funds have never been used for capital projects (e.g. construction, renovation, or improvement of buildings).
- Low Income - Programs primarily serving low-income populations are given a high priority.
- Emergency Services - Programs primarily providing emergency services (e.g. food, housing, and medical services) are given a high priority.
- Marginalized Groups - Programs providing services to historically marginalized populations or groups are given a high priority.
The Jack Hopkins Social Services Funding Program seeks to encourage innovation and address changing community needs. Further, the Jack Hopkins Social Services Funding Program recognizes that, in the current economic climate, operational funding may be essential to a non-profit organization's continued provision of services. The Jack Hopkins Social Services Funding Program will consider requests for both one-time investments and operational expenses.
One-Time Investment
Applications requesting funds for projects that address changing circumstances in the community are encouraged. Requests should provide a one-time investment that, through matching funds or other fiscal leveraging, make a significant contribution to the project. EXAMPLES – capital improvements.
Operational Expenses
Applications requesting operational expenses will also be considered. These expenses are recurring rather than non-recurring. EXAMPLES - personnel,* rent, utilities, maintenance, supplies, client services, and other ongoing budget items. Agencies seeking funding for operational expenses should be aware that future funding may be unavailable or inadequate to cover the same expense in subsequent years, and therefore should not rely on Jack Hopkins Social Services Funding for their operational expenses from year to year. Any request for operational funding should be accompanied by a well-developed plan for future funding.
* Paid Time Off and Bonuses - Paid time off and bonuses shall not be considered eligible for Jack Hopkins Social Services Funding.
NOTE: Over time, the Committee has worked to further refine each criterion with more particularity. This refinement is captured in the Committee's Elaboration of Criteria (linked below). Agencies should consult this document in preparing their applications.
Questions? Contact Council staff at
Timeline for the 2024 Jack Hopkins Funding Cycle (important dates for agencies in bold):
- MARCH 18th - Technical Assistance Meeting for Applicants (Monday, 4:00pm) - Zoom recording; Showers City Hall, Allison Conference Room (#225); presentation slides from meeting.
- APRIL 1st - APPLICATIONS DUE (Monday, must be received no later than 4:00 pm)
- APRIL 16th - Committee Application Review Meeting (Tuesday, 6:00pm) - Zoom recording; Showers City Hall, Allison Conference Room (#225)
- APRIL 23rd - Agency Presentations for invited applicants (Tuesday, 5:30pm) - Zoom recording; Showers City Hall, Council Chambers (#115)
- MAY 9th - Committee Pre-Allocation Meeting (Thursday, 6:00pm) - Zoom recording; Showers City Hall, Allison Conference Room (#225)
- MAY 14th - Committee Allocation Hearing (Tuesday, 6:00pm) - Zoom link; Showers City Hall, Allison Conference Room (#225)
- MAY 23rd - Committee Debriefing Meeting (Thursday, 6:00pm) - Zoom link; Showers City Hall, Allison Conference Room (#225)
- Early June – Funding Agreements Due
- JUNE 12th - Council Action on Committee Recommendations (Wednesday, 6:30pm) - Zoom link; Showers City Hall, Council Chambers (#115)
- JUNE 18th - HAND Technical Assistance for Grantees (Tuesday, 9:00am) - Zoom link; Allison Conference Room (#225)
Reports and Funding Recommendations
View the Jack Hopkins Committee's 2023 Recommended Funding Allocations
History of Funding: 1993-2023 (PDF)
Application Summaries and Original Submissions 2005-2022:
2020 Recover Forward Applications
2019 Application & Summaries -Revised