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Page last updated on March 19, 2024 at 10:45 am

    Tour of The Mill 7:00-6:30 p.m.

    The Mill is the heart of southern Indiana’s startup ecosystem and its largest coworking space. They are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit center for entrepreneurship in Bloomington, funded by membership and event space fees, as well as by generous donations from corporate sponsors and angel investors from south-central Indiana.


    Andy Lehman (, Head of Accelerator Programming, will speak about The Mill and the City's connection to it as we tour the facility.


    Andy Lehman head shot
    Andy Lehman, Head of Accelerator Programming, The Mill








    About The Mill 

    The Mill Fact Sheet

    Tech Center Groundbreaking in the news



    Economic and Sustainable Development Department  6:30-7:00 p.m

    The mission of the City of Bloomington's Department of Economic & Sustainable Development is to cultivate a resilient community built on shared prosperity, inclusive economic opportunity, environmental stewardship, and a thriving arts and culture ecosystem.



    Sustainability Action Plan

    Sustainability Action Plan Progress Report

    Economic and Sustainable Development website

    Economic & Sustainable Development Facebook

    Master Plan and Redevelopment Strategy for the Certified Technology Park

    Stats America



    Bio-Break 7:00-7:05 p.m.



    Planning and Transportation Department 7:05-8:00 p.m.

    As Bloomington continues to evolve and change as a community, the City of Bloomington Planning and Transportation Department has a very important mission: To ensure that the elements that make Bloomington special are maintained and enhanced as new development and redevelopment occurs. In order to ensure that our community retains its unique qualities, it is important to proactively plan for the impacts of this future development. 



    Hopewell Website

    Hospital Master Plan and additional resources

    The Plan Commission Case Map

    The Rogers Multiuse Path

    The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)

    What is a Core Neighborhood?

    Planning and Transportation website

    Planning and Transportation Facebook



    Engineering Department

    The Engineering Department contains the Capital Project Services Division and the Right-of-Way Management Services Division. These divisions are responsible for overseeing activities in the City’s approximately 1,800 acres of public right of way and for carrying out the City’s vision to achieve a safe, efficient, equitable, and sustainable transportation system that works for people of all ages and abilities using all modes of transportation. Staff members work to improve the City's multimodal transportation network, manage construction within and use of the public right of way, and provide technical assistance to numerous internal and external groups.


    Andrew Cibor (, City Engineer and Director of the Engineering Department, will discuss the programs and activities of the department, focusing on the redevelopment of the Bloomington Hospital site.


    Andrew Cibor
    Andrew Cibor, Director of Engineering













    Engineering Department website

    Current Infrastructure Projects

    Hospital Site Phase One project page