Page last updated on November 7, 2022 at 1:46 pm
The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) governs land use and development throughout the City of Bloomington planning jurisdiction. The UDO became effective on April 18, 2020. The UDO can be accessed at:
The City of Bloomington updates and maintains the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The UDO contains all of the land use and development regulations that apply to construction in the City. A consulting firm, Clarion Associates, will be assisting the City with this project. This website will provide information about the update process, public meetings, and other project materials. Information will be updated as the process continues. Please bookmark this page and check back frequently.
The update process is outlined below in chronological order (most recent activity to oldest activity) by the following headings:
- TRO - Transform Redevelopment Overlay - Hopewell Overlay Zone map and text amendments
- 2022 UDO Text Amendments - technical corrections and text amendments for Chapters 3 -7
- New UDO Map with New Zoning Districts (R1, R4, MS, and PO)
- UDO Conversion Map and Effective Date
- UDO Adoption Draft
- Chronology of the UDO Update Process
- UDO Advisory Committee
- Past UDO Update Meetings
TRO Transform Redevelopment Overlay
Please visit:
2022 UDO Text Amendments
Please visit Plan Commission March 2022 Packet (pages 101-178):
New UDO Map with New Zoning Districts (R4, MS, and PO)
Please visit:
UDO Conversion Map and Effective Date
February 2020 - May 2020
The next step in the UDO Update process is the adoption of the Conversion Map and a technical text amendment. The Plan Commission will first hear this request at their March 9, 2020 hearing. Subsequently the Common Council must consider the proposal (date yet to be determined). More information is forthcoming.
The Conversion Map will be the new zoning map. Once the Map is adopted, this will be the effective date of the new UDO. The Conversion Map is not changing zoning district boundaries and is only changing zoning district names. The new UDO changed the names of the zoning districts and the new names need to be reflected in the official zoning map. A technical text amendment will also be considered. This will address any typographical edits and will not include any policy related amendments to the UDO. The final step in the UDO Update process is expected to initiate in the Fall of 2020. This last step will consider zoning boundary changes and any new text amendments. Below is information related to the UDO Conversion Map.
- Conversion Map
- Adopted/New UDO January 2020
- Text Amendment/Staff Report
- Mailed Notice
- Plan Commission red-line Amendments
- Plan Commission Administrative Manual Draft April 13, 2020
UDO Adoption Draft (Adopted 1/13/2020)
Final Council action on Ordinance 19-24 as amended - To Repeal and Replace Title 20 of the Bloomington Municipal Code entitled "Unified Development Ordinance”
On December 18, 2019, the Council voted 9-0 to adopt Ordinance 19-24 as amended. The Council returned the amended UDO to the Plan Commission for its consideration pursuant to IC 36-7-4-606. Materials submitted by the Council to the Plan Commission are available for review: Material for Return to Plan Commission. The Plan Commission reviewed,considered, and unanimously approved the amended UDO at their January, 13, 2020 hearing. The effective date will be associated with the adoption of the Conversion Map process which is detailed above. Below is a chronological record of the UDO Update process and Adoption Draft.
Chronology of the UDO Update Process
The Adoption Draft was presented to the Plan Commission for their consideration in the Fall of 2019. The timeline and process is outlined below. The Adoption Draft is based on input considered throughout the UDO Update process (Kickoff, UDO Assessment, Zone Districts and Permitted Uses, Dimensional and Development Standards, Procedures and Administration, and Consolidated Draft) as well as policy guidance from the Comprehensive Plan. Once the Plan Commission makes a recommendation on the Adoption Draft, then the Common Council must make a decision within 90 days.
The Plan Commission on September 23, 2019 voted 9-0 to recommend adoption of the amended Unified Development Ordinance to the Common Council. The amended/September UDO Adoption Draft can be accessed at: September 2019 UDO Common Council Adoption Draft. The overview of changes from the current UDO to the amended UDO can be accessed at: Summary of Significant Changes Memo The information below details the UDO update process from the project kickoff through the Plan Commission hearings. Please see the Common Council website for additional information at:
Notices to all properties within the City's corporate boundaries are sent by mail, starting the week of July 29, 2019. The first Plan Commission hearing is scheduled for Monday, August 26, 2019 at 5:30 pm, Council Chambers. Subsequent hearings are scheduled for August 29, September 5 and September 10, 2019, at 5:30 PM, Council Chambers. The Plan Commission may continue the Adoption Draft request to additional hearings. Public comments will be taken at the Plan Commission hearings. Comments can be submitted prior to the first Plan Commission hearing August 5 through August 26, 4 PM using the Public Review #6 form in the link below:
September 5, 10, 16, 17, and 23, 2019 Information
Information on the process to amend the Adoption Draft is under the August 29th heading below. The Commission introduced a number of resolutions that will be considered as an amendment to the Adoption Draft. Information on Amendments will be posted below and updated.
- Resolution 3: Amendment to clarify and specify how to discourage the demolition of existing houses in order to create duplex, triplex, and fouplex residential buildings (Amendment 3 - failed for lack of a motion)
- Resolution 4: Remove duplex, triplex, and fourplex from R1, R2, and R3 zones or allow duplex, triplex, and fouplex in R1, R2, and R3 zones (Amendment 4A and Amendment 4B - Amendment 4A failed for lack of a motion and Amendment 4B failed - comments submitted)
- Resolution 5: Change ADU to a conditional use or expand ADUs to allow two bedrooms and larger maximum square footage (Amendment 5A and Amendment 5B - Amendment 5B adopted as amended plus Amendment 5A adopted - comments submitted)
- Resolution 6: To consider the size and weight of livestock in addition to species and prohibited species (Amendment 6 - Amendment 6 adopted - comments submitted)
- Resolution 7: Clarification of the methods and procedures used for payment in-lieu options of affordable housing incentives and require Common Council approval (Amendment 7 - Amendment 7 adopted as amended - comments submitted)
- Resolution 8: Changes to impervious surface standards, invasive plant species, and other Environmental Commission recommendations (Amendment 8 - Amendment withdrawn for Council consideration)
- Resolution 9: Clarification on the Demolition Delay of contributing structures for partial demolition permits (Amendment 9 - Amendment failed)
- Resolution 10: Clarification on the financial surety requirements for plats and 2nd plats (Amendment 10 - Amendment adopted)
- Resolution 11: Reorganize the PUD criteria to prioritize the highly valued design features G and H as a standalone subsection (Amendment 11 - Amendment adopted)
- Resolution 12: Provide specific information and characteristics on the new Mixed-Use Student Housing (MS) district (Amendment 12 - Amendment adopted)
- Resolution 13: Provide flexibility for more than one driveway for duplex, triplex, and quadplex residential uses (Amendment 13 - Amendment failed)
- Resolution 14: Evaluate the list of prohibited and discourage plant species for additional prohibited species (Amendment 14 - Amendment adopted)
- Resolution 15: Modify the electric vehicle parking standards to count towards parking maximums (Amendment 15 - Amendment adopted)
- Resolution 16: Revise the summary section of the PUD summary within 20.02.10 to specify Plan Commission and Planning & Transportation Department (Amendment 16 - Amendment adopted)
- Resolution 17: Revise the definition of family to be more inclusive (Amendment 17 - Amendment adopted)
- Resolution 18: Remove the limitation of two unrelated adults for duplex, triplex, and fourplex units (Amendment 18 - Amendment adopted)
- Resolution 19: Revise the amplified sound and noise requirements (Amendment 19 - Amendment failed)
- Resolution 20: Reduce the minimum lot requirements for R2-R4 zones (Amendment 20 - Amendment adopted)
- Resolution 21: Propose a definition for Cooperative Housing to distinguish this housing type from student housing (Amendment 21 - Amendment withdrawn for Council consideration)
- Resolution 22: Reconsider the definition of owner occupied under ADU requirements (Amendment 22 - Amendment failed)
- Resolution 23: Reduce the vehicle staking standards for commercial drive through lanes (Amendment 23 - Amendment adopted)
August 29, 2019 Information
The Plan Commission heard public comments at their August 26th meeting and detailed their process to consider amendments to the Adoption Draft. Generally, the Commission will hear public comments and then introduce and vote on resolutions in order to direct staff to draft an amendment (resolutions that passed). Then at subsequent Commission hearings, amendments will be discussed, public comments on each amendment will be taken, and then considered for adoption. Next, the Commission will enter back into the resolution process to consider additional amendments. When finished with the resolutions, additional public comments on the Adoption Draft will be taken for items NOT already covered by resolutions (at this point the public comment period will be used to consider NEW or DIFFERENT resolutions). This process will continue until the Commission is ready to take final action on the Adoption Draft.
Additional Public Comments #7 - (comments closed August 29, 2019 4 PM)
- Resolution 1: Correct the typographical errors throughout the Adoption Draft - (Amendment 1- Amendment adopted)
- Resolution 2: Allow duplex, triplex, and fourplex as permitted uses for new subdivisions and undeveloped locations of the City while keeping duplex, triplex, and fourplex as conditional uses for other areas of the City (Amendment 2 - Amendment adopted).
August 26, 29 and September 5, 2019 General Information
- UDO Adoption Draft (available August 5, 2019) Copies also available at the Monroe County Public Library and at the Planning and Transportation Department
- Mailed Public Notice
- UDO Adoption Draft Significant Changes Overview
- UDO and Comprehensive Plan Index
- Indiana State Law on Zoning Ordinance Process IC-36-7-4-600 Series
- Conversion Zoning Map (posted March 25, 2019 under the Consolidated Draft Section)
- August 26, 2019 Plan Commission Agenda and Staff Report
- UDO Adoption Draft Presentation
Public Review #6: Comments Closed and posted (were open August 5 through August 26, 2019, 4 PM)
UDO Advisory Committee
An Advisory Committee has been established to help guide the City and it's consultants in the UDO update process. This group will meet with the consultant team each time a new draft of UDO language is produced to give feedback on the material. The members of this Committee are:
- Adam Thies, Assistant Vice President for Capital Planning and Facilities at Indiana University
- Darcie Fawcett, President of Prospect Hill Neighborhood Association
- Efrat Feferman, Executive Director of United Way of Monroe County
- Joe Hoffmann, City Plan Commission member
- Dedaimia Whitney, Environmental Commission
- Jim Murphy, President of CFC Properties
- Jennifer Pearl, President of the Bloomington Economic Development Corporation
- Susan Sandberg, City Council and Plan Commission member
- Talisha Coppock, Executive Director of Downtown Bloomington, Inc.
- Barre Klapper, City Board of Zoning Appeals member
- Isabel Piedmont-Smith, City Council member
- John Kennedy, Council of Neighborhood Associations
Past UDO Update Meetings
Consolidated UDO Draft
March 19-20, 2019
The consultant team will integrate all three modules into a Consolidated Draft. This draft includes changes based on prior public/stakeholder comments and are also clearly footnoted. This step provides an opportunity to highlight key changes made and seek additional public/stakeholder comments. This step will help prepare an adoption draft for consideration by the Plan Commission and City Common Council (next step).
- UDO Consolidated Draft (now available 3/12/2019)
- UDO Consolidated Draft Summary Memo
- Process Infographic
- Presentation Handout
- Frequently Asked Questions (updated 3/20/2019)
- Public Notice and Meeting Schedule - March 19th and 20th, 2019
- Common Council Presentation (March 20, 2019)
- Conversion Zoning Map (posted March 25, 2019)
- Missing Middle Frequently Asked Questions (posted May 17, 2019)
Public Review #5: Public Comment closed on 5/1/2019 at 9 AM for the Consolidated Draft
Procedures and Administration
November 27 - 28, 2018
Module 3 will address changes to the review and adoption procedures and criteria for both new development and redevelopment projects. It will also cover non-conforming uses, enforcement of the UDO, and other administrative functions of the UDO. Like prior Modules, proposed changes to the existing UDO are footnoted and are aimed to implement the Comprehensive Plan.
- Module 3 - Procedures and Administration
- Presentation Handout
- Public Notice and Meeting Schedule - November 27th and 28th, 2018
Public Review #4: Comment period closed 1/4/2019
Dimensional and Development Standards
September 11 - 12, 2018
Module 2 will cover the dimensional standards (height, size, setbacks, and location of primary and accessory structures) and the development layout and quality standards (access/ connectivity, parking, lighting, landscaping/buffering, signage, and maintenance standards). Just as in Module 1, proposed changes to the existing UDO are footnoted and are aimed to implement the Comprehensive Plan.
- Module 2 - Development Standards, Incentives, and Student Housing Supplement
- Presentation Handout
- Public Notice and Meeting Schedule - September 11th and 12th, 2018
Public Review #3: Comment period closed 1/4/2019
Zone Districts and Permitted Uses
July 16 - 17, 2018
This next step of the UDO assessment (Module 1) proposes changes to the existing UDO, each change is footnoted, and are aimed to address the menu of zone districts needed to implement the Comprehensive Plan. This assessment also focuses on the uses (permitted/conditional/accessory/temporary uses) for each zoning district. Materials for this assessment step can be accessed below:
- Module 1: UDO Zone Districts and Uses
- Presentation Handout
- Public Notice and Meeting Schedule - July 16 - 17, 2018
Public Review #2: Comment period closed 1/4/2019
UDO Assessment
April 30 - May 1, 2018
A detailed assessment of the city’s current UDO will identify recommended development regulations that need to be added, deleted, or revised to better align the UDO with the Comprehensive Plan objectives. There are several public review opportunities throughout this phase of the UDO update process and are detailed in the Project Summary Handout (see above link). Materials for the UDO Assessment can be accessed below:
- UDO Diagnosis and Outline Handout - April 30 to May 1, 2018
- Presentation Handout
- Public Notice and Meeting Schedule - April 30 and May 1, 2018
Public Review #1: Comment period closed 1/4/2019
Kickoff Public Meeting
February 6, 2018
A public meeting to introduce the project was held on February 6, 2018. Links to the handout, PowerPoint Presentation, and video of the meeting are available below.