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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on September 7, 2021 at 1:17 pm

Hello, this is Mayor John Hamilton. It's Tuesday, January 12th, 2021. Thanks for being part of listening to these videos. I just wanted to give an update to the community. Again, I do have to notice six days since the incredible, terrible assault on the US Capitol by people trying to disrupt the democratic process and peaceful transfer of power that we've seen for 240 plus years. It was surreal and terrible. Accountability must be pursued aggressively. And I hope we all can support the importance of making sure our government works, that our government tells the truth, that our government follows the law and not spread misinformation, disinformation. And our hearts go out to those who were injured or lost lives, their families, and reminding us how important it is to share information and a belief in that rule of law. And I just hope we never see that again, but moving on to the local updates on what's going on here and sharing information.

In terms of COVID, we continue to have good and bad stories. The bad stories are we are still in the midst of a very challenging pandemic and while our state is not doing as badly as some other places in the country, and our county is among the very best communities in this state in terms of what we see. We still are suffering. We've had over 100 deaths. We've now crossed that threshold locally. Our hospitals are very busy trying to take care of everybody. It's a very pressing time for all who deal with this pandemic. So, please continue to wear your mask, physically distance, good hygiene that you know how to do and you've been doing, most of us, quite well.

The good news is vaccinations are happening. We've received about 7,500 doses as of last week and more than 5,000 people have been vaccinated in our community. There are three channels of vaccinations happening. IU Health at the hospital is the main high number channel right now. All by appointment, but reach out to them if you're one of the qualifying, either a direct caregiver, a person in a long-term care facility, or now, anyone over 80 years old. Second is the Monroe County Health Department is directly doing vaccinations. It'll be at the convention center, again by appointment only. And third, there are entities like CVS and perhaps others that are directly reaching out to long-term care facilities to provide vaccinations. So every Friday we will continue to give the number update on how many vaccination doses have been received and how many vaccinations have been delivered into arms, both first round and second round.
This is a challenge to try and get everybody vaccinated. This is how we will beat the pandemic and get out of this. So please, when it is your turn, get vaccinated. We have police officers, firefighters, and others now getting vaccinated. And of course, healthcare workers, the elderly. This is how we do this. It's a safe vaccine. It's been approved. If you have individual reasons not to, please talk to your doctor, physician, health advisor, but that's the update for this week.
It's both good and the bad in terms of the pandemic. We will continue to share that information weekly and please do your part. Continue to mass, continue to do those protections, and we'll continue to try and do everything we can to get those doses into the arms of all our people. And we'll get out of this pandemic. Thanks for all that you do and I'll update you again next week.



