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Tree Storm Debris Pick-Up Update

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Page last updated on December 20, 2021 at 4:38 pm

Hello, it's Mayor Hamilton, Monday, December 20, 2021, just a quick update.

We still face serious challenges in this pandemic, I'm sure you're aware of that. We continue to see very high case numbers, both inside government we've had the highest two weeks of our case positive cases, and of course around the state very serious numbers as we continue to face real challenges. Our hospital system, IU Health across the state, has its highest number of inpatients ever from this pandemic. And in fact, IU Health South Central Region President Brian Shockney said, “We didn’t think one year after the vaccine became available, we would see our highest COVID-19 numbers.” And of course we have real challenges ahead. Omicron, the new variant that seems to be extremely contagious and spreadable, is now in Indiana officially, we expected it would be here. It was confirmed yesterday that it's been in the state since December 9th, anyway. That means this variant is very likely to spread all over Indiana, including in our community. So that's of great concern.

Some of you may also see the national news. Indiana is rated very poorly in terms of overall risk, sometimes at the very bottom of the country in terms of the combination of the spread, the vaccinations, the testing, et cetera. So we're in a location that's a real risk. Our county is doing a little better than the state as a whole, but it's of great concern as we head into the holidays. We also know that this new variant is really dependent on boosters in terms of getting real help and protection from serious disease, so please look at the boosters.

Good news, there's a mobile clinic today, tomorrow and Wednesday, the 20th through the 22nd of December, at Switchyard Park in the pavilion from noon to 8 p.m., you can go online and get reservations ( I believe walk ups are allowed, but reservations are encouraged. You can get vaccinated, you can get tested, you can get boosted, kind of one stop shop. So please head down to the Switchyard Pavilion to get your booster if you haven't gotten that already, or to get started with vaccinations or to get tested if you need to be tested.

We're all tired of this pandemic, but we're going to have it with us for a little while longer. It could get worse before it gets better, so please do your part, protect each other, get vaccinated, get boosted. Thank you to all of you who have done that and continue to mask. Continue to be careful during these indoor winter times.

Holidays are coming, I wish you all the best for your holidays as you observe them with family and friends, but please be careful, take care not to spread the virus. And I hope you have a restful and safe holiday period.


